Last week I posted about how abortion-free Ireland has the lowest maternal death rate in the world. Kathleen Reeves of the anti-life activist website RH Reality Check seized on the post and responded.
The problem with her post is that it failed to directly address the main point of my post – that abortion increases risk in subsequent pregnancies and therefore increases the maternal death rate. Let’s look at the details of Reeves’ post:
- She fails to address or rebut my evidence that abortion raises subsequent pregnancy risks. I’ll include the research evidence below in the hopes Reeves will actually address my points instead of trying to spin:
50% increased risk of an ectopic pregnancy after a single abortion
“The investigators conclude that their findings support ‘an argument for the existence of a significant association between induced abortion and subsequent ectopic pregnancy in France.’”
Serious emotional issues
“Our results indicate that over 25% of women who have had pregnancy losses feel they need professional help. Aborted women appear to require more and more sophisticated grief counseling than those who suffer other types of pregnancy loss.”
Increased future miscarriage rate
“Induced abortion by vacuum aspiration is associated with an increased risk of first-trimester miscarriage in the subsequent pregnancy.”
Increased rate of future premature births
“The investigators conclude from these data that previous elective pregnancy terminations should be considered a risk factor for premature birth in subsequent pregnancies.”
- Reeves claims that “Ireland is abortion-free like America is drug-free,” yet the reports that I hear from Ireland are that abortion truly is rare there. What evidence do you have that abortion is common in Ireland? Without evidence, your claims are baseless.
Embarrassingly, that is all the meat contained in Reeves’ shallow and meandering post. No research, no evidence, just personal opinion.
If you agree with the top medical and scientific research that shows that abortion increases future pregnancy risks, then I am correct and Reeves is misleading. If you reject the mainstream evidence and want to be scientifically backwards like Reeves, then understand that you are serving a selfish ideology at the rejection of truth.
I would also like to extend a warm invitation to Kathleen Reeves to debate this subject (whether induced abortion causes increased future pregnancy risks and therefore increased maternal death rate) in a public setting with me. A video of the debate would be made and posted in its entirety to YouTube. So Kathleen, I hope you will join me in putting our arguments up to the public spotlight, and may the truth win.