
Does it really matter who supports abortion?

In a recent article of mine, I discussed the filth written by an author who goes by “bacon” for the site Return of Kings, in which he discusses three ways in which one can go about convincing a girl to get an abortion. As ridiculous as what he writes may sound, he is actually writing from his own experiences in some ways. Now, in the article I called out pro-choicers, at least pro-choice websites, for not doing more so to denounce what “bacon” wrote about, or what such a website puts forth.

I have come to the conclusion that deep down, even if more pro-choicers were to call out the kind of attitude “bacon” and others have towards women and abortion, the pro-choice movement as a whole still has something in common with such despicable contributors. And that is their support for an action which no matter how you dress it up, always causes the death of an innocent baby.

There are pro-choicers out there who hide behind what is supposedly a woman’s choice when really it is more so their choice. As I mentioned in that post:

Even if you’re not as much of a slimeball as “bacon,” how is trying to talk a vulnerable and confused young woman into killing her baby really all that much of her choice? It’s not so much pro-choice as in pro-the mother’s choice, but rather pro-somebody else’s choice. The term pro-choice may need some clarification, and thus it’s a term people are able to hide so easily behind.

At the same time there are also well-intentioned pro-choicers out there though who will stand up against coerced abortion, because they realize that kind of abortion certainly is not the woman’s choice. At least they are being consistent with the term they give to themselves. While coerced abortions are certainly problematic, an abortion which a woman truly wants to have is still an injustice. For whether an abortion is voluntary or coerced, regretted or not, an abortion always results in a dead baby. Regardless as to if the mother suffers, another human being has to face an agonizing death.

Those women who “bacon” may have “convinced” to get an abortion, whether by him directly or by those whom he writes for, are certainly to be sympathized with for having any kind of interactions with despicable men. Such abortions though yield the same result as those women who made that choice freely. How is there any difference for the babies? When it comes to their human dignity and the right to life, there is none.

So while many pro-choicers may chafe under such a comparison between them and those like “bacon,” when they advocate for the death of any child, none of whom are deserving of a death as horrible and torturous as an abortion, they have in common their support for abortion, regardless of the reason. It is not just about the process and decision-making of an abortion and who is involved. When it comes down to it, the child never has a choice and the result of a successful abortion is tragically always the same.

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