Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin is embroiled in a legal battle with state-based TV channel WisconsinEye. The channel is basically Wisconsin’s local version of CSPAN, and covers the Wisconsin legislature and public affairs. Planned Parenthood is in big trouble with the channel for violating its user agreement. The abortion-promoting organization purchased footage from WisconsinEye which it subsequently — and invalidly — used to promote its own political agenda in an ad slamming a pro-life politician. According to the Wisconsin State Journal:
The ad shows Ellis angrily pounding his gavel and telling Democrats to sit down during a heated Senate floor debate over a bill requiring doctors who provide abortions to have hospital admitting privileges. The bill passed, but was blocked by a federal judge over concerns that the law may be unconstitutional.
Planned Parenthood can’t plead ignorance on this one — WisconsinEye’s user agreement explicitly prohibits the exact activity that Planned Parenthood carried out with the content they purchased from WisconsinEye. The user agreement prohibits WisconsinEye’s content from being “disseminated in any way that expressly advocates the election, defeat, recall or retention of a clearly identified candidate or a particular vote at a referendum.” To recap: Planned Parenthood used the channel’s content to influence voters during an abortion debate, so it was a blatant violation of their agreement with WisconsinEye. The bill being debated, if it had not been blocked, was intended solely to protect women’s health by requiring abortionists to have hospital admitting privileges in case of a botched abortion… but we all know well that Planned Parenthood isn’t really interested in women’s health.