
The Planned Parenthood Project: exposing the agenda of the abortion giant

Students for Life of America has big plans for the fall — visiting 41 universities during an eight-week time frame, bringing to light the truth of Planned Parenthood’s agenda. They have boiled down Planned Parenthood’s agenda into four parts, which they will use to show students across the country that Planned Parenthood does not have the best interest of their customers in mind when they offer their services.

According to Students for Life, the first part of Planned Parenthood’s agenda is low-quality condoms that they supply. Secondly, Planned Parenthood encourages hormonal birth control, with the morning-after pill as their backup. Birth control and condoms pushed on teens encourages a promiscuous lifestyle, which can set them up for an unplanned pregnancy.

Next, when the faulty condoms fail or the birth control pills do not work, Planned Parenthood is more than willing to offer ITS signature service: abortion. Ninety-two percent of the pregnancy services offered by Planned Parenthood in 2011 were abortions.

The last part of the agenda comes down to economics. With the average cost of abortions at $451 per abortion, Planned Parenthood made over $150 million in abortions in 2011, performing 333,964 abortions. In the 2011-2012 fiscal year, Planned Parenthood also received $542 million in taxpayer funding!

Students for Life of America has a goal to abolish abortion in its members’ lifetime. And they are willing to stand up and show the truth behind the Planned Parenthood agenda.

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