H/T to Jill Stanek for this fascinating analysis from Americans United for Life. At Planned Parenthood’s abortion clinic in the Bronx, NY, women who get a medical abortion to commit at home are asked to sign an agreement to return to the clinic for a surgical abortion if their self-induced miscarriage is unsuccessful:
During the abortion pill (medication abortion) visit, you must agree—before you start—that you will have an in-clinic abortion if the abortion pill does not work.
AUL notes that this cannot be a legally binding contract, but it is nevertheless disturbing:
Now here is the real kicker: “you must agree—before you start—that you will have an in-clinic abortion if the abortion pill does not work.” A woman must agree—before her procedure starts—that if it fails, she will let Planned Parenthood do a second abortion.
What if, in the interim, a woman decides she doesn’t want to abort after all? Or, what if the woman decides she would rather be seen and treated by her own primary care physician or OB/GYN? What about “choice”?
From a legal perspective, the required agreement is totally bogus. A woman cannot contract away her emergency health care or her right to carry a pregnancy to term. But would the average woman know this? In the midst of an emotional and confusing time, a woman may want to keep her baby, or may not trust the clinic that botched her first abortion—but may think she is contractually bound to go back.
It’s just another example of the abortion industry placing profit above safety and bullying women into aborting their own children.
Remember, the Bronx clinic is the site where clinic workers told Live Action investigators posing as a pimp and a prostitute that they could sign off as the “guardians” of their child sex slaves to get cheap and secret services for them–including abortion. The Bronx PP doesn’t seem too concerned about patient autonomy–they would let a pimp force his child sex slaves into selling their bodies and submitting to abortions, and they apparently pressure women to iron-clad their abortion decision, too.