
Abortion’s unanswerable question: Who are we missing?

000cute-black-babyI once heard a story about a man who asked God a question, “Why haven’t we found the cure for Cancer?” To this question God replied,”The person who would have discovered it was aborted.” That story always stuck with me. I can’t say whether the story is true or false. I wouldn’t try to prove the existence of God or confirm that he uttered those words to a questioning man. The only thing I can and will do is ponder that interesting question. For that question does what many a good question should do; it causes you to think.

What if the person who could have discovered Cancer’s cure lost their life before they were born? What if the man or woman who grew up to find the answer for Aids, never had a chance to grow? 55 million babies have been aborted in the U.S since 1973 and billions worldwide. While statistics and data can tell us their race and gender, so many other things will never be known. Namely the mystery of who these children would have become if the natural process of life hadn’t been tampered with.

This past Sunday I showed a 1 minute video called, “Our Future” during my church service. The video was created by Ryan Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation. It’s a powerful and life affirming reminder of the beauty of unlimited potential. It’s worth a minute of your time to watch.

When the video ended the congregation was silent. I looked at their faces and knew they were touched by the truth the video declared. Earlier that morning I talked to the teens in my congregation about abortion. I shared Bible verses with them like Psalm 139 in which David declares God knit him together in his mother’s womb and knew all the days of his life before their was one. I told the teens that abortion is a particularly awful act because it doesn’t only take the life of one individual. When a child is aborted it’s potential children are lost as well. In a real sense when one child is aborted an potential entire generational line is erased.

After service a man approached me to talk. He wanted to tell me a story about his mom. This man’s mother tried to abort him twice and both attempts failed. He said God saved his life because He had a purpose for him. I was amazed by his story and surprised he had never shared it with me before. When I asked him why he hadn’t told me in the past he simply said, “Hearing you share about abortion made me believe it was the time to tell my story.” This man has three beautiful, talented and kindhearted children. They wouldn’t be here today if his mother had aborted him.

When it comes to abortion, America must begin to ask herself the unanswerable question. We will never know the answer to this question but we should ponder the drastic toll this death decree has taken on our land. We simply don’t know who we are missing and we sadly never will.

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