
Primetime pro-life: ‘Sherlock’ acknowledges ‘all three’


Sherlock via PBS.

In Sunday’s episode of the hugely popular British series, Sherlock, John Watson got married – with Sherlock Holmes as his best man.

PBS describes the episode:

Sherlock faces his biggest challenge of all – delivering a Best Man’s speech on John’s wedding day. But all isn’t quite as it seems. Mortal danger stalks the reception – and someone might not make it to the happy couple’s first dance. Sherlock must thank the bridesmaids, solve the case and stop a killer.

Throughout the episode, Sherlock notices Mary, John’s bride, acting a bit off. She hates the taste of the wine she chose for their menu, she has a big appetite, and she had been sick that morning. At the end of the episode, Sherlock plays a beautiful violin piece for the couple’s dance, and follows up the gesture with a final word – a vow – about his dedication to the new couple:

Today we saw two people make vows. I have never made a vow in my life, not til tonight, and never will again. So, here in front of you all, my first and last vow: Mary and John, whatever it takes, whatever happens, from now on I swear I will always be there, always, for all three of you.

I’m sorry, I mean two of you, two of you – both of you in fact – I just miscounted.

Confused by how Sherlock could have miscounted two people, Watson and Mary stare at him, puzzled. Sherlock comes off the stage and explains his misstep to them:

Sherlock: Sorry that was one more deduction than I was really expecting.

Mary: Deduction?

Sherlock: Increased appetite. Change of taste perception. You were sick this morning. You assumed it was just wedding nerves… all the signs are there.

Mary: Signs?

Sherlock: The signs of three.

Mary: What?

Sherlock: Mary, I think you should do a pregnancy test.

Watson begins to have a fit that he didn’t notice Mary’s pregnancy symptoms, since he’s a doctor. But Sherlock assures him that he’s off the hook since it’s his wedding, his “day off.” He endearingly concludes:

Sherlock: Don’t panic. None of you panic. Absolutely no reason to panic… You’re already the best parents in the world. Look at all the practice you’ve had.

Watson: What practice?

Sherlock: Well you’re hardly going to need me around now that you’ve got a real baby on the way.

The entire episode can be viewed here.

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