It’s no secret that New York’s governor, Andrew Cuomo, is pro-abortion.
And, after his rant on Capitol Pressroom, it’s no secret that Governor Cuomo would rather not even be in the same state as pro-lifers or, as he put it, “extreme conservatives.”
Although he was elected governor of New York (and not dictator supreme), Governor Cuomo took it upon himself to declare that these so-called extreme conservatives “have no place in the state of New York.”
Well, would the governor like to cancel the Super Bowl? Or, better yet, would he like to dis-invite Peyton Manning, Denver’s star quarterback?
While Peyton Manning is not highly outspoken about his politics, you could say that his money speaks for him. Since 2004, the Denver Broncos quarterback has been a regular donor to several Republican candidates. Most notable in the “extreme conservative” category is the $9,200 that Manning has given in recent years to Bob Corker and the $5,200 that Manning donated just last year to Lamar Alexander’s campaign.
Smack on the front of Alexander’s website is the emblazoned word “conservative.” Reading his bio will quickly inform you that Lamar Alexander has been given 100% ratings from the NRA and the National Right to Life Committee. Governor Cuomo would clearly disapprove, since he called out “extreme conservatives” on the issues of guns and life in particular.
Bob Corker, too, has voted in favor of multiple pro-life proposals that Governor Cuomo would no doubt call “extreme” and “conservative.” Corker’s yes votes include a law to make unborn children eligible for child health assistance and another law “barring HHS grants to organizations that perform abortions.”
So, if Governor Cuomo really stands by what he said, would he care to tell Peyton Manning to pack his bags and leave the Super Bowl?
In fact, the good governor ought to take a closer look at Seattle’s quarterback, Russell Wilson, too. While his political leanings are harder to easily identify, Wilson makes no secret of his Christianity and his love for Jesus. (See a video of Wilson explaining here.) As Pro Player Insiders reports:
One night Wilson had a dream that his Dad passed away and Jesus appeared to him in his dream.
”I had a dream one night that I was at UVA football camp. It was Saturday night and my parents were supposed to pick me up on Sunday to go to church. I had a dream that my Dad passed away and Jesus came into the room. And he was basically saying hey, you need to learn more about me.”
Wilson’s father ended up passing away six years later. The dream Wilson had is enough to make any person change and this is exactly what it did for Wilson. His father was gone but Wilson knew that it was extremely important for him to live his life for Jesus Christ. …
His faith and belief in Christ is the sole reason he is where he is today and Wilson knows that. He realizes that he has a huge responsibility to use this platform that he has to let people know about Jesus Christ. … Wilson expresses that he plays for an audience of one, Jesus Christ. …
Wilson knows where the source of his strength and perseverance comes from. He is unabashedly a Christian athlete. He catches negative criticism from some but this does not bother him. Wilson posts daily Bible verses on his Twitter account…
And Wilson doesn’t just pick tame Bible verses. He picks Scriptures on sin and evil and rebellion (as well as compassion and love and peace). It seems to me that this may be the mark of another “extreme conservative.” Governor Cuomo ought to have his eyes peeled for Russell Wilson.
Thankfully for all football fans, it looks like the Super Bowl will continue with or without the governor’s approval. After all, although the MetLife Stadium is home to the New York Jets and the New York Giants, it is technically located in New Jersey. From all current reports, “extreme conservatives” are still welcome there.