Editor’s Note: This is a letter to the editor from Heidi in Norway.
In a way, American pro-lifers are lucky, so are your unborn.
True, you have a million abortions a year. But you have freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, most of you don’t pay for elective abortions, at least yet. You have many challenges. We have a nightmare.
All abortions are done at public hospitals, for tax money. No copay whatsoever.
Because all abortions are done at public hospitals with women in there for a variety of reasons, including miscarriage, we have no way of reaching these women to be a voice for their child. Show up at the hospital and the police will remove you. You can’t show a picture of a dead baby in the face of a woman there for cancer treatment or a miscarriage
Are you a pro-life primary care physician? Refer for abortion or lose your job, even though referral isn’t necessary for a woman to have an abortion. In public, people compare conscience-minded doctors to people refusing to refer for cancer treatment. Abortion is mainstream medicine; question that, and you are publicly beheaded in the media.
I am a member of a Norwegian pro-life organization – they even have to state in discussions they don’t want to make late-term abortions more hard to obtain when trying to put an end to live-birth abortions. I am seriously considering quitting this organization. But there is no one else that cares for these children.
11 babies born alive over a ten year period left to die in our hospitals. Do you know how it came to light? Health care staff asking if there isn’t a better way to let these babies die? Abortion is on demand for the first 12 weeks, but then again, the ones who decide after that – a jury of some sort – agrees to 98% of applications after. They even agreed they broke the law by allowing abortion in weeks 23 and 24. They still have their jobs. Deciding over life and death. Even though they cannot kill after 22 weeks anymore, to the protest of our gynecologists.
A Christian politician posted a picture of a 12 week fetus on his Facebook profile. He was accused of lying, of bigotry, of being a dark man against women. Even the Christian party have to go to the media saying a woman’s legal right to abortion can be combined with a physician’s right not to refer. Every other party defends abortion rights.
I had surgery once, in the GEN/GYN-room. Wonder how many babies have died in that room before and after they saved my life.
This is Europe. This is Norway. This is what happens when you don’t keep the issue warm. Later I will write about a forced abortion attempt and abortion pressure in Norway. Or about how they kill multiples and leave them dead inside their mother with the remaining few allowed to live.
Don’t ever give up the fight! Don’t ever quit telling women the truth outside the clinics! Don’t ever give up on the unborn and doctor’s conscience. Never allow abortion to become mainstream medicine. Or maybe one day you will find yourself in abortion heaven: Norway.