Philanthropy magazine released an article titled “A Look at the 50 Most Generous Donors of 2013.” Topping the list was Facebook CEO and co-founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, pediatrician Priscilla Chan. In 2013 the couple donated 18 million shares of Facebook valued at $992.2 million to the Silicon Valley Community Foundation in Mountain View, California. The couple previously donated 19 million Facebook shares to the same foundation in 2012.
The Silicon Valley Community Foundation describes its organization as a “comprehensive center of philanthropy.” They partner with donors to fund for profit and non-profit organizations around the globe. On their website you can see a list of words that describe the values of their company. The first word listed is “collaboration.” This word summarizes the work of Silicon Valley Community; they work as a middle-man between donors and companies, making it easy for donors to get their funds into organizations they support. They accept a number of assets such as real estate, stock, and mutual funds and offer their donors customized philanthropy services.
One of the organizations Silicon Valley Community Foundation collaborates with is Planned Parenthood. A copy of their 2012 Public Disclosure is available for online viewing. The disclosure reports that the SVCF donated over $480,000 to Planned Parenthood in 2012 alone. The donations benefited Planned Parenthoods in multiple cities: San Antonio, TX; New York, NY; San Jose, CA; Jacksonville, FL; and Burlington, VT. The donations ranged in amount from $5,000 to $361,750. Donations were earmarked under broad terms such as “health,” “supporting families,” and “building community.” The annual donations to Planned Parenthood have almost doubled from 2011, when the SVCF report shows that SVCF gave close to $250,000.
Although Zuckerberg hasn’t publicly commented on the programs their gift will support, he did say their philanthropy would focus on children. Zuckerberg and his wife have every right to spend their money as they see fit. I’m grateful that they are donating to assist children in need. I only hope none of their funds will end up in the big pockets of Planned Parenthood.
As for Silicon Valley Community Foundation, they should cut ties with the taxpayer-funded abortion giant and funnel donations into the hundreds of Pregnancy Resource Centers, Crisis Pregnancy centers and homes for mothers. The Silicon Valley Community Foundation currently has assets of $2.9 billion, more than 1,600 philanthropic funds under management and over 60 local nonprofit partners. One can only dream of the impact those resources could have if directed into pro-life, pro-family, pro-women organizations. Perhaps someone should write Zuckerberg a letter.