Here are some ways you or anyone can help out with the Pro-Life movement:
1) Volunteer/Campaign for a pro-life candidate
I have the privilege of interning for Peter Breen, a candidate for Illinois State Representative who exemplifies a strong pro-life record, and is currently Vice President of the Thomas Moore Society, a pro-life law firm in Chicago. Working at the grassroots level to help elect these individuals is a key to helping push for more pro-life legislation. You can check to see if there are committed pro-life candidates who are running and be willing to volunteer or intern for them.
2) Pray outside a Planned Parenthood clinic
We can never underestimate the power of prayer. Passing pro-life legislation itself is not enough. It is important to pray and to change hearts. However, it is handy to know what the laws are and where you can and can’t stand. Going with more than one person is preferred, and not only for safety reasons, but having more people praying together might have a better influence on abortion supporters. You don’t have to just pray outside an abortion clinic, but can pray in your home, church, or anywhere else for the end to abortion
3) Blog and Use Social Media
It is vital to also use social media to advance the pro-life agenda. Not only can you blog for any pro-life or conservative group, but also posting on Twitter and Facebook can make a difference too. Don’t be afraid to share pro-life posts on Facebook or to tweet and retweet posts them from twitter for your followers to see. In the 21st century, we live in an ever growing technological world with most news and media sources being online, so it is important to keep up with it and to learn how to use them.
4) Keep up to date with news
We all should know what is going on every day in the news. Typing in key words like Cecile Richards, Planned Parenthood, pro-life, and abortion gives you an idea of what the most recent news of legislation, updates, or any other significant information is. If you attend a Church or any religious institution, find out if they have any pro-life programs, rallies, or events that you can help out with and let others know.
5) Start a Chapter or Group
If you’re in college, you can start a pro-life group on campus, if your college doesn’t have one. Get other pro-lifers you know on campus and invite them to come to your group. Keep in mind that different sizes of a college will most likely determine the size of the pro-life group. Even if you’re not in college, you can always create a group.