Sarah Palin is one of America’s famous women renowned for their firm stance against abortion. These women deny that abortion is an effective ingredient in modern woman’s progress.
Few American women have achieved the kinds of accomplishments that Sarah Palin has – whatever your personal opinion of her may be – and she believes that a culture that tells women abortion is a key to success and happiness is doing them a huge disservice, setting them back when they should be moving forward. Planned Parenthood, she says, plays a key role in this regression. She recently wrote on Facebook (emphasis added):
Today I’m looking forward to speaking at a pro-life women’s resource center in Nevada. I intend again to remind women that we are strong enough and capable enough to choose life and work together to create a culture that empowers everyone to live to the fullest.
How ironic that on this same day President Obama will be headlining a gala event for the highly controversial and repeatedly discredited organization Planned Parenthood…Please take a look at…the racist and eugenicist origins of Planned Parenthood, then ask yourself again why in the world our president would “bless” the cruel underlying efforts of an organization like this…
Surely there are people of good conscience within Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion centers who will feel the imperative within themselves to find other ways to help women in their time of need.
Sarah Palin is far from the last feminist to defend the strength of women against Planned Parenthood, however. Dr. Alveda King, the niece of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., has spoken prolifically against Planned Parenthood’s anti-woman antics:
Planned Parenthood’s efforts of trickery and deception to make people think that it’s OK to abort babies or hurt women with carcinogenic birth control mechanisms, that’s not good…
And as we remember Martin Luther King, Jr. and the freedom movement of the 20th century and you’re thinking about everything that I have said, please know that Planned Parenthood is not trying to help us as a people. Not only African-American people, but also all families are at risk from some of the tactics of Planned Parenthood.
Marjorie Dannenfelser, high-profile president of the pro-life feminist organization, the Susan B. Anthony List, had this to say about Planned Parenthood’s efforts to degrade women and slow American progress by funneling extraordinary amounts of money into Planned Parenthood’s abortion operation:
In 2011, government subsidies to Planned Parenthood reached an all-time high… This means that 1 million women have also been wounded by the pain of abortion [in three years], calling into question Planned Parenthood’s level of concern for the health and well-being of vulnerable women and girls…
Mr. Obama has gone far out of his way to ensure taxpayer funding makes up 45 percent of Planned Parenthood’s annual revenue. Planned Parenthood certainly went far out of their way to return the favor, spending a record $15 million during the last election cycle to return their biggest ally to power, and ensuring billions more in taxpayer dollars over the next four years. It’s time to bring the funding to a halt. Mr. Obama may not care about the evidence and what it means for unborn children and vulnerable young women in our nation, but we can still take action.
Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, has worked tirelessly to assure Americans that this country does not need Planned Parenthood. By providing alternatives to their grisly butchering jobs and by educating masses of students about their lies, Hawkins is working towards the day when the last Planned Parenthood closes its doors. Summing up America’s blows to the killing organization at the end of 2013, she said:
But, most of all, they [Planned Parenthood] want to forget they are losing the support of the Pro-Life Generation. Youth all over the nation participated, some even leading, 40 Days for Life campaigns in front of multiple Planned Parenthood facilities. Right in front of Planned Parenthood’s doors, young, courageous people shared the truth about abortion with women in need. Lives were spared because of their brave stand for life. So, Happy New Year Planned Parenthood! If you thought 2013 was bad, just wait and see what the anti-abortion movement has in store for 2014! We will abolish abortion, and you will go out of business.
Editor’s Note: To view the rest of our “Why America Doesn’t Need Planned Parenthood” series, go here.