Do these pro-abortion canards ever get old? Comedian Sarah Silverman says fetuses are “goo” and pro-lifers don’t care about women or babies once they’re born.
Silverman, who moonlights as a pro-choice activist, trotted out these stale clichés on Bill Maher’s show on Friday. “It’s goo,” she declared. “It’s goo that they’re so worried about. And they’re born, and it’s ‘you’re on your own, slut.”
She also expressed embarrassment that she, personally, has never had an abortion.
And the truth is, and I don’t like to admit this … I’ve never had an abortion and I don’t know if I would. But it doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t fight to the death for women to make their own choices for their own human bodies.
Since Silverman is a comedian, I hope she was just trying to be funny. (Although if she was, her jokes fell flat, and the laughs were few and far between.) No one—pro-life or pro-choice—can argue that a human fetus is “goo” with a straight face. This isn’t the 1970s. Information on fetal development is readily available. Silverman often mocks Christian beliefs, but the belief that a being with a beating heart, spinal cord, and a rapidly developing nervous system at 6 weeks is just “goo” is nothing but an article of faith.

11 week old human fetus.
But the really interesting part was that Silverman “doesn’t like to admit” she hasn’t had an abortion and isn’t sure she’d ever want one. If Silverman is for choice, why does it matter? Aren’t all reproductive choices equally valid in her worldview? It seems that Silverman unwittingly gave us some insight into the mind of a “pro-choicer”: they think the only acceptable solution to an unplanned pregnancy is abortion, and view any other choice as shameful. (Even Bill Maher was laughing at Silverman’s pro-abortion fanaticism, retorting, “Thank you for being brave enough to admit you’ve never had an abortion.”)
Conservative writer Ben Shapiro mocked Silverman’s comments by Tweeting, “Sarah Silverman says unborn children are ‘just goo.’ As is her brain, apparently.” Indeed. Between her scientific ignorance and her contempt for women who make other choices, Silverman is a terrible spokeswoman for her cause.