
Six ways to stop abortion

Norway, children, sperm donor, sperm donation, siblings

It’s easy to think of stopping abortion in broad terms: ending it all.

And while that’s an excellent goal – exactly the goal we should have – abortion is stopped one abortion at a time. When one mom chooses life, abortion is stopped.

So, let’s cover six ways to stop abortion. Pick something (or everything) from the list, and let’s get busy. There is a life to be saved today and every day. Add your best ways to stop abortion in the comments, and let’s never forget that fighting this battle is a choice that we must make each morning when we get up, each time we eat our lunch, each prayer we offer, each person we interact with, and each night before we go to sleep.

1) Run a diaper, formula, or blanket drive.

Contact your local pregnancy center and find out what supplies they need. Often, when women choose life for their babies, pregnancy centers provide them with material resources. You probably know plenty of people who could help with this. Host a lunch for your friends, and ask each person to bring diapers. Contact your Children’s Ministry Director at church and ask if a drive can be included for VBS. Think of women’s ministry, pro-life Sunday, Republican club, family members, Facebook friends, your next birthday present, neighbors, and more.

There are pro-lifers in my area who stand outside abortion clinics, offer accurate information to women, and give them blankets when they choose life. Find out if there’s a similar group where you live, and collect baby blankets!

2) Sponsor radio or TV ads in your city.

Or, if your city is strongly pro-life, contact VirtueMedia and ask which cities need funding. A few dollars can go a long way! 93% of each dollar donated to VirtueMedia goes directly to “creating and airing ads.”

Historically, where VirtueMedia’s sanctity of life television campaigns have aired consistently (i.e. markets like Charlotte, Dayton, and Phoenix) state reports for abortion rates in those areas showed a decrease between 10% and 20%, whereas in parts of the states where the VirtueMedia™ ads didn’tair, abortion rates often increased.

000friends3) Tackle the issue of awareness.

There are still many Americans who don’t know what abortion is, why it’s wrong, or how it hurts women, children, and entire families.

Commit part of your networking time to educating others on the pro-life issue. Help your friends see that pro-lifers really are kind people – as well as people who aren’t afraid to speak the real truth.

Can you write one Tweet a day? One Facebook post a week? One blog post a month? One photo a week on Instagram? One board on Pinterest?

Come up with your own creative ways of explaining the issue, or use Live Action’s ideas.

4) Start an Embrace Grace or a Teen Mother Choices International Group.

Every city and every church needs a group like this. It’s a way you can be personally involved in the lives of moms and their unborn children. Check out Embrace Grace and Teen Mother Choices International. Here are two interviews I’ve done with their founders – amazing ladies!

Or, start your own group, like Judah and Annika did.

5) Learn what to say.

When you find someone in an abortion dilemma, do you know what to say or where to take them for help? Check out these informational posts, and know your stuff!

Why Pro-Life? by Randy Alcorn6) Hand out books.

Could you use your extra money – or your coffee money –  to purchase and give out books that will educate others on abortion, life, and the real options women need?

  • “Why Pro-Life?” by Randy Alcorn – a simple, engaging Q&A guide to abortion. (If you have a large group to hand out this book to – Sunday school class, church congregation, club, moms’ group, high school class, sorority sisters, etc. – the books go as low as $1.)
  • “A Bump in Life” by Amy Ford – a compelling collection of true life stories, illustrating why life is so much better than abortion. Embrace Grace suggests donating this to your local pregnancy center. Your church or school library may also be good options.

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Live Action News is pro-life news and commentary from a pro-life perspective. Learn More

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