
Simple ideas for communicating the pro-life message to children

Norway, children, sperm donor, sperm donation, siblings

As parents (or kids’ caretakers), we have the opportunity to build pro-life values into them from a young age. Of course, we can talk to them directly about the value of every life, explain things, and answer questions. One day we’ll have to explain exactly what abortion is to them.

But, there are also ways to reinforce pro-life values as we’re living everyday life. For instance, when a baby cries at the store, children are often naturally concerned – not annoyed like many adults are. Encourage that concern and tell children how important it is to care for everyone, especially when they’re helpless like those little babies. Love and compassion for others should always trump our selfish feelings.

Storytime is another prime opportunity to instill pro-life values in our children. In general, it’s important to be selective about which books we choose to read to our little ones. And with a little effort, we can find excellent stories that teach why every life matters.

Here are some pro-life values to look for in children’s books. It’s important to point out these values in the book and find fun ways to emphasize them.

  • Every life counts.
  • Every person is important – even if they’re small, untalented, or needy.
  • Stop to help others.
  • A person’s value isn’t based on what she can give to me.
  • Life isn’t all about me.
  • Family is important – every member has a place.
  • Children are a gift.
  • Unselfishness, compassion, and justice

Here are a few children’s books that can help teach pro-life values to children:

  • God Gave Us You by Lisa Tawn Bergren

“When we found out you were growing inside me, we were so happy! Even the angels were celebrating for us!” “Because of me?” asked Little Cub. “Yes, my darling child. Because God gave us you.”

  • I'd Choose You by John Trent If You Were My Bunny by Kate McMullan, Precious Moments: Mommy Loves Me by Alex Barad, I’d Choose You by John Trent, Just In Case You Ever Wonder by Max Lucado, and I Love You When by John Edward Hasse

These books demonstrate the love of a parent for a child, even when the child makes mistakes or is needy.

  • The Jingle Bell Ball by Jenny Arthur

This fun story shows that everyone has a place; everyone is needed!

  • Jesus Teaches Me Kindness, an Arch Books Gift Collection

This little collection teaches children the values of kindness, compassion, and giving to or sacrificing for others, despite the personal cost.

  • Bear’s New Friend by Karma Wilson

This book teaches children that people are worth making efforts for!

  • Little Polar Bear, Take Me Home! by Hans de Beer

“Don’t be scared, Sasha,” said Lars. “I’ve often been far away from home, and sometimes I got a bit lost too. But someone always helped me get back, and now I’ll help you.”

  • Yes We Can! by Sam McBratney

This book talks about valuing everyone for their own individuality instead of focusing on how you’re better than them.

  • Horton Hears a Who! by Dr. Seuss

“I’ll just have to save him. Because, after all, a person’s a person, no matter how small.”

What pro-life values do you look for in your children’s books? What are some of your favorites? Share other ideas you have, for teaching your children to be pro-life, in the comments below.

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