America’s abortion giant is growing a new tentacle in the nation’s abortion capital. With a new abortion mill in Queens, Planned Parenthood adds its fifth killing center in NYC alone. The New York Times reports that Planned Parenthood of New York City is constructing a $9 million facility that will gain easy access to a solid percentage of the clientele who are currently traveling to other boroughs to patronize Planned Parenthood.
Democrat Queens Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer boldly acknowledged the borough’s agenda of offering abortion as the healthcare of poor women, telling the New York Times:
We know that we have a significant population in Queens that are uninsured or underinsured. And we need quality health care that is tailored to their needs.
Van Bramer went on to say that Planned Parenthood’s absence in his neighborhood was “something that had to be corrected.” The center is even teaming up with the tax-funded Queens Public Library to provide “educational programs” to the women of the borough. The Times reports heavy-handed involvement by additional councilpersons in bringing Planned Parenthood in:
Assemblywoman Catherine T. Nolan, a Queens Democrat, secured $250,000 from the state, and Melinda Katz, the Queens borough president, gave $121,000 from her budget, according to Planned Parenthood of New York City.
As opposition to Planned Parenthood builds nationwide, the group is milking the high abortion rates of New York for every penny they are worth. The state’s abortion rate is by far the highest in the country, at an annual rate of 34.2 of every 1,000 women between the ages of 15 and 44, according to the Guttmacher Institute. Maryland, with the second-highest abortion rate, trails New York by a full 5.6 points, while many states remain firmly planted in the single digits.