Live Action is known for its undercover investigations into the abortion industry, namely Planned Parenthood. As exposes reveal again and again, the abortion giant has a long history of abuse, including the cover-up of child sexual abuse and child sex trafficking.
Live Action investigations document the reality of the abortion industry, proving that Planned Parenthood is far from being an organization that serves and cares for the health of women. In fact, it is a corrupt, profit-driven corporation that serves one purpose and one purpose alone: to obtain as much blood money as it can.
While Live Action’s Spring 2014 Investigative Report illustrated many of Planned Parenthood’s past misdeeds, more outrageous abuses were yet to come. Last summer, Live Action released its SexEd investigation, the latest expose into Planned Parenthood.
Many Planned Parenthood facilities obtain additional taxpayer funding from ObamaCare for sex education, but many parents would be shocked to find out the kind of sex “education” the abortion giant is giving teens. Planned Parenthood promotes BDSM and other disturbing sexual practices to teenagers — children. One video intended for teenagers promoted BDSM. One of Planned Parenthood’s sex ed “resources” encouraged things like playing with feces, drinking urine, and even bestiality. They even offered a seminar for teenagers called 50 Shades of Safe, promoting BDSM.
Live Action’s SexEd investigation found these disturbing attitudes have permeated Planned Parenthood facilities and “counselors” were caught giving risky sexual advice to investigators posing as underage girls. Planned Parenthood explicitly endorses, promotes, and encourages dangerous sexual practices to teenagers the counselors believed to be as young as 15. Here are five of the most scandalous moments from Live Action’s SexEd investigation.
5. Episode Three: Dress Him Up Like a Baby and Let Him “Breastfeed”:
This investigation took place at Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette. The Planned Parenthood staffer encourages Live Action’s undercover investigator, posing as a 15-year-old, in questionable sexual behavior. The advice begins with the counselor talking about strange and disturbing sexual practices, from foot fetishes to BDSM, encouraging the investigator to make sure that she used a safe word in case she became uncomfortable. But it was when the counselor began talking about role-play that things became eyebrow-raising.
Planned Parenthood: Some people like to play the baby thing, where they will – yeah.
15-year-old: (laughs)
Planned Parenthood: (laughs) – put on diapers and be –
15-year-old: OK.
Planned Parenthood: – the baby. Yep. And then they want to, you know, like, pretend they’re breastfeeding.It’s questionable that a 15-year-old is mature enough to be having sex to begin with, let alone partaking in fetishes that take role-play to a sickening new level.
4. Episode Two: Urination and Defecation
The entire point of sexual education is presumably so that young people can learn to have a safe, healthy sex life. But if a young teenage girl starts her “sexual exploration” being demeaned and objectified, how exactly is that helping her to have a safe and healthy view of sex?
In SexEd Episode Two, a staffer at Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains encouraged an investigator posing as a 15-year-old in BDSM. But there was one practice in particular brought up by the “educator” that was especially disturbing:
Planned Parenthood: There are so many different fetishes out there.
15-year-old: Oh, really?
Planned Parenthood: Like, some guys like for women to urinate on them or –
15-year-old: Oh.
Planned Parenthood: Like, uh, what is it? Deca – pooping, basically, like on them. (laughs)
15-year-old: (laughs) OK.
Planned Parenthood: I was trying to find the scientific word for it. But there is some really weird stuff out there – which would be weird to me. But for some people, that’s completely normal. And it can be really fun, you know?
This is not a sexual practice that a counselor should be advocating a 15-year-old to try. Being urinated on is demeaning, and it is hardly something that will set the foundation for a healthy sexuality as the teenager grows up.
3. Episode Two: Go break the law
This is another stellar moment from Live Action’s second SexEd video at Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains. After advising the investigator to engage in disturbing sexual practices, ranging from BDSM and sexual violence to role play, urination, and defecation, the counselor then suggested how to make these fantasies a reality. She encourages the investigator to visit a sex shop, obtain costumes, whips, and ties.
Planned Parenthood: Have you guys ever gone to a sex shop together?
15-year-old: No.
Planned Parenthood: OK. So you could –
15-year-old: Wh-what is that?
Planned Parenthood: Um, there is tons of sex shops around here.
15-year-old: Oh, really?
Planned Parenthood: Basically, that’s where they carry different outfits. Like, if you want to role-play, like, a teacher or a nurse, they have outfits. They have whips, ties, everything.
15-year-old: Oh, OK. And you said there are some here in town?
Planned Parenthood: Talking to someone in there might be really helpful, actually.
15-year-old: Oh, they probably have ideas, huh?
Planned Parenthood: That would be a good place, I think, for you guys to go together.
There’s just one problem here: it is illegal for a minor to enter a sex shop. Not only is this counselor advising a young teenage girl to engage in dangerous and harmful sexual practices, she is also encouraging her to break the law.
2. Episodes One, Two, and Three: Porn is a great way to get ideas!
At multiple clinics, Live Action investigators were coached on how to view pornography to obtain ideas on how to practice disturbing and dangerous sexual practices. Not only were the teens encouraged to watch porn, in one instance, a Planned Parenthood staffer gave investigators directions on how to look up porn without parental knowledge.
15-year-old: And then do some research online and, like, maybe, like, watch porn or something?
Planned Parenthood: Mmhmm. Yep. “You can do it together… some people like to do that together and act that out.
15-year-old: If I were to look that up on my computer, um, could my parents see that?
Planned Parenthood: Possibly, do they get on your computer a lot?
15-year-old: Well, I use the family computer.
Planned Parenthood: So they might be able to go in your history and look, so you might want to do it elsewhere. It depends though if they are on your computer a lot.
15-year-old: It’s a family computer so I probably wouldn’t want to look anything up, I guess.
Planned Parenthood: If your phone has Internet, you can use your phone too.
While coaching minors on how to view pornography is disturbing, studies show that viewing pornography is harmful. Watching porn actually rewires a person’s brain. The American Psychology Association acknowledges numerous negative results from watching porn, and teenagers who watch porn are more likely to become violent. In addition, the counselor’s advice normalizes pornography, which is demeaning, objectifying, and harmful.
1. Fifty Shades of Abuse:
This is a theme that was present throughout Live Action’s SexEd investigative videos. Counselors routinely encouraged girls to read Fifty Shades of Grey, dabble in BDSM, and experiment with violent torture sex. Teens are told to experiment with whipping, choking, and asphyxiation, and told to try horse whips, ropes, and clamps. They’re told that sexual practices that leave welts and burns are acceptable. And often, it’s based on what the counselor read in the book Fifty Shades of Grey.
Planned Parenthood: —um, so there are lots of things that happen in Fifty Shades of Grey that border on—um, I wouldn’t say “abuse,” because it’s consensual, but definitely extreme. So there are things that—happen in Fifty Shades of Grey that are extreme. Now, if it’s consensual, again, completely normal. Um, uh, things that happen in “Fifty Shades of Grey” all center around pain, and your response to pain, and submission.
So what kinds of “extreme” sexual practices did the counselors suggest?
Planned Parenthood: I would start with the taste, and then the role play, and then work up to the hard, the harder things, like hitting, and things like that.In 50 Shades of Grey, there was, like, you know, some whipping, or, you know, some asphyxiation, um, tying up.
Also, like an action or something – if you’re gagged or something, and you can’t say that word, you need to be able to let him know. Patients sometimes come in with rope burns or… markings on their breasts, from, like, clamps.
These teenage girls were told to experiment with being tied up, gagged, and asphyxiated. They were instructed on how to work their way into having anal sex. They were told to use whips and handcuffs. And, most disturbingly of all, these girls were told that when whips, ropes, and clamps leave welts and burns, that it is not abuse.
Planned Parenthood: I wouldn’t say abuse, because it’s consensual … if he wants to try something that’s physical, that is going to cause you harm or pain, and you’re OK with that, that’s a completely different thing, than if he wants to try something to do that you’re not OK with … Patients will sometimes come in with rope burns, or, um, markings on their breasts from, like, clamps, OK.
Planned Parenthood: It’s OK. If you’re both consenting to it, it’s something that’s happening behind closed doors, that’s OK. … Anything within the sexual world is normal as long as it’s consensual.
It is beyond disturbing to know that in Planned Parenthood facilities around the country, this advice is being presented to teenagers. It’s a recipe for disaster — but it helps Planned Parenthood with their culture of sexual perversion, so really, what do they care?