The British Parliament is condering new legislation that would require all women pursuing an abortion to receive independent counseling beforehand, in which other options are provided.
As far as the abortion business is concerned, their motives are clear: more abortions, more funding. This law would allow women to speak with an un-biased counselor with no vested interest in pushing abortion so that they can be given the necessary information to make an more informed choice.
From LifeNews:
“Abortion has become a factory-efficient process that denies women the right to independent, professional counseling,” [said Tory MP Nadine Dorries, who will file the pre-abortion counseling amendment later this week]. “Many women who are given the opportunity to talk through their situation in a calm environment cease to panic and begin to consider other options. It is every woman’s right to be given the choice of access to professional help at the time of a crisis pregnancy.”
There is still much debate about the organization that would be in charge of providing this independent counseling.
— 2011 (c) Live Action —