When songwriter Sam Martin saw his son’s heartbeat on an ultrasound, it was a life-defining moment.
“The lyric came right then — ‘I’m going to love you anyway,'” Martin, 32, told Mashable. “I almost started crying just singing it over and over again. … It was a spiritual experience.”
“Song for My Unborn Son” is on YouTube (and posted below). The touching lyrics are accompanied by a video of a baby’s heart – presumably Martin’s son’s – beating away on an ultrasound screen.
Martin is working on his own debut album right now, but he’s helped to write a number of other popular songs, including Maroon 5’s “Daylight,” David Guetta’s “Dangerous,” One Direction’s “Change Your Ticket,” Nick Jonas’ “Wilderness” and Ziggy Marley’s “Lighthouse.”
Many thanks to Martin for highlighting the humanity of preborn children in the womb as well as the love parents experience for their children well before their birth. Such love is both natural and a miracle at the same time.
The Endowment for Human Development details the amazing facts about a preborn baby’s growth and development inside the womb. Photos, videos, and information are all detailed on the website here. You can watch videos from EHD’s Movie Theatre Index here and witness for yourself the details of hidden humanity.
Only 3 weeks and 1 day after fertilization – the heart begins to beat. By 4 weeks, the heart typically beats between 105 and 121 times per minute.
Between fertilization and birth, the heart beats approximately 54 million times, while over the course of an 80-year lifespan, the heart beats over 3.2 billion (3.2 × 109) times!