
Ineffective damage control? Planned Parenthood transforms homepage after undercover videos

The Center for Medical Progress has Planned Parenthood deeply concerned. The abortion giant is in full-on defense mode.

CMP has now released two videos exposing various Planned Parenthood executives negotiating the sales of aborted baby body parts. These videos have spawned multiple investigations across the country – including a congressional investigation – calls for Planned Parenthood to be defunded, and a White House petition demanding that Attorney General Loretta Lynch open a federal investigation.

Considering all that, it’s perhaps no surprise that Planned Parenthood has transformed their homepage in response to the videos, with Cecile Richard’s video statement featured prominently.

Now, when someone searches for Planned Parenthood, what comes up is a plea to watch Cecile Richard’s video reacting to the investigation:

new pp homepage

The same thing happens when someone visits the website. The very first thing that is seen is a message imploring the viewer to watch her video.

pp homepage 2

Will these videos be the straw that finally breaks the camel’s back for Planned Parenthood?

This may be the scandal that they aren’t able to worm their way out of. No longer can Planned Parenthood pretend that they’re merely a women’s health care provider – now, it has become overwhelmingly clear that their business is abortion, through and through, and that they’re concerned about making money before all else.

Care, no matter what? There isn’t a whole lot of compassionate care going on in these videos. And it’s about time that this lawless abortion giant is exposed for what it really is.

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