Imagine with me, if you will, a fictitious scenario:
The Animal Group of Riverside regularly euthanizes homeless dogs when no one comes to claim them. The Animal Group holds itself out as a boon to society; a compassionate organization – a non-profit, in fact. “We do not sell animal parts, they say.” Then, someone goes undercover and discovers that The Animal Group is piecing out the dogs. Dog liver is quite popular in the market, right now. But dog legs, dog hearts, dog brains – all are fair game; all are harvested and sold.
“No, no, no,” says The Animal Group. “This is all for research. For vaccines and medicines.” (They fail to mention all the experiments for food and skin care products that the dogs’ tissue is used in.) “We do not ever make a profit. All we do is donate to research.”
Except that’s not true. The Animal Group charges a “fee” to a for-profit company – a middle-man if you will – who comes to collect the dog organs. This middle-man does all the work (other than the euthanizing). The middle-man sorts through the dog parts, pulls out the useable organs, packs them up, and transports them out of The Animal Group’s facility.
And yet, the middle-man still pays money to the The Animal Group. The Animal Group proclaims loudly that it’s just “reimbursement,” but this is after they’ve been caught on tape admitting, “[I]t was very easy for us, we didn’t have to do anything. There was compensation for this.” The public knows that “compensation” and “reimbursement” isn’t involved when someone “doesn’t have to do anything.” They’re smart enough to know that’s profit, plain and simple.
Then, despite The Animal Group’s proclamation of innocence, something else is discovered. A video shows The Animal Group’s lab room. A dog is in bloody pieces, on the counter. Techs are sorting through the pieces, pointing out the organs and legs.
The middle-man and a high-up official for The Animal Group are talking price. The Animal Group’s euthanizer speaks up: “I think a per item thing works better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it.”
So instead of charging a flat fee for each dog (which might suggest true reimbursement, depending on the price), The Animal Group is caught red-handed, trying to see “how much we can get out of it,” by charging individually for the liver, each leg, and the partial brain connected to the spinal column – despite an absence of extra work on their part.
$75 for a partial brain.
$75 for a heart.
$75 for a liver.
$75 for legs.
There’s no use arguing anymore: this is profit. Pure and simple.
And no matter how many times Planned Parenthood denies it is profiting from the sale of baby parts, the American public knows differently.
A profit is: “a financial gain, especially the difference between the amount earned and the amount spent in… producing something.”
Planned Parenthood, by its own admission, spends no extra money to produce multiple baby parts. It spends no extra money to rip them apart. (In fact, it is paid to rip the baby apart. Or, if Planned Parenthood wants to argue it takes their abortionists more time to perform the type of abortion that delivers an intact baby, the abortion giant would be asking to be “reimbursed” for something illegal. It is illegal to modify an abortion procedure to collect organs and pieces – something Planned Parenthood clearly does.)
Planned Parenthood’s profit-making is most simply put by Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountain’s Dr. Ginde on the latest undercover video: “[W]e can see how much we can get out of it.”
The more the better, clearly.