
Ex-technician speaks out in latest video from Center for Medical Progress

The Center for Medical Progress released the first episode of their Human Capital documentary web series yesterday. This video, nearly 12 minutes long, is the third released by the group. Earlier in July, two videos were released, showing top executives from Planned Parenthood discussing the abortion giant’s fetal parts business.

The latest video features Dr. Katharine Sheehan, the Medical Director of Planned Parenthood Pacific Southwest, and Dr. Savita Ginde, the Vice President and Medical Director of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains.

The video largely focuses on another person, however. Holly O’Donnell is a 24-year old former procurement technician for StemExpress, LLC, a group which purchases the fetal parts from babies aborted by Planned Parenthood to then sell to other buyers.

Throughout the video, interspersed with potential buyers meeting with Sheehan and Ginde, O’Donnell shares her story….

I was looking to help the public. I mean I’m looking to make blood draws easy for children, for people. I’m very passionate about people I find myself. I’m very humane. I’m very sensitive. I thought I was just going to be drawing blood, not procuring tissue from aborted fetuses.

I basically just went on Craig’s List, typed in the word phlebotomist lab technician and I clicked a link to apply, it said procurement technician. I went to the website, it said ‘StemExpress’ and ‘Apply Now.’ I applied, it was really short, it wasn’t even an application, it was your name, your phone number, that was it. And I got an e-mail back and I interviewed and they don’t even let you know in the interview what you’re doing.

As O’Donnell continues to share her story, she lets on that Planned Parenthood does benefit from the business partnership with her former employer.

StemExpress is a company that hires procurement techs to draw blood and dissect dead fetuses and sell the parts to researchers. They partner with Planned Parenthood and they get part of the money, cuz we pay them to use their facilities and they get paid from it. They do get some kind of benefit.

O’Donnell calls such work “basically human trafficking of fetal tissues.”

In addition to secrecy and keeping even their employees in the dark, there also is a theme of a lack of overall compassion from StemExpress as an organization:

They weren’t looking for a compassionate individual, at all. They were just looking for someone who could get as much money, as many samples. I think that’s why they were interested in me, as a phlebotomist, ’cause I can draw quick, so I think that they looked at that and they wanted someone who could get the numbers up.

Of StemExpress’s owner, Cate Dyer, O’Donnell says:

… and now she’s making a lotta money based off the poor girls, who half the time don’t even wanna get abortions. It’s a pretty sick company.

Throughout the video, O’Donnell mentions that ensuring Planned Parenthood’s compensation was of utmost importance. No matter how many times the organization tries to defend itself and deny it, Planned Parenthood is profiting.

O’Donnell also describes her first day, and how non-chalant and casual the whole process seems to be. (Emphasis added):

… and I look over in the corner and there’s a little–it’s a little light tray with pie dishes on it. I’m like ‘hm, okay,’ And then I see someone come in with a–a bottle of something, and there was blood in it. And I’m like ‘okay’ and then they went over to the sink, and they emptied it out in a strainer, and put it on the pie dish and lit it up and I’m looking like what’s going on and my trainer comes over and she puts on gloves and she grabs some–some tweezers and she’s picking the parts away from the vaginal tissue and I’m–I’ve never had anxiety before this, at all, so I’m looking, I don’t know what’s going on. I had no idea that this was what was going to be happening, especially my first day.

And she’s uh, she’s literally–she has tweezers and she’s like ‘okay, well this is the head, this is the arm, this is a leg, and she hands them over and she goes okay, here you go, can you show me some of the parts I just showed you?’ And I grabbed the tweezers and I’m like–cuz I didn’t want to lose this job–I didn’t know–I was… stoked to get it–so I did what she said. And the moment I took the tweezers, I put them in the dish, I remember grabbing the leg, and I said ‘this is the leg,’ and the moment I picked it up, I could just feel like death and pain–like I’ve never felt that before, like shoot up, through my body, and I started to–I blacked out, basically.

They got the smelling–the smelling salt. Woke up in the recovery room and lookin’ around. I was really embarrassed, you know, who faints at their first job. And one of the nurses looks at me and is like ‘oh, new, you’re new huh?’ And I’m like ‘yeah.’ ‘Don’t worry, it still happens to a bunch of us.’ I’m like ‘really?’ And she’s like ‘yes, some of us don’t ever get over it.’ And I remember leaving that day like ‘what have I gotten myself into?’

Such testimony certainly is problematic for Planned Parenthood, because now others directly involved in the process have corroborated statements made by Planned Parenthood’s own doctors. And Planned Parenthood and friends desperately try to spin with claims that these videos are “edited” and “taken out of context.” It’s getting a lot more difficult for Cecile Richards to continue to defend her abortion giant business.

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