
Planned Parenthood likely kept some babies alive ‘until their hearts were cut out’

We all know Planned Parenthood has been in some hot water recently. And that’s putting it mildly. While some contend that the recent incriminating videos are mere propaganda— the White House even claims the videos are the fraudulent creations of right wing extremists — the evidence continues to mount.

In a video released today from Center for Medical Progress, former StemExpress technician, Holly O’Donnell, describes harvesting the brain of a very late-term aborted baby. O’Donnell, who shares grisly details about cutting chin upward on the child’s face to obtain an intact brain, says when the supervisor tapped the baby’s heart, it started beating again.

Even more disturbing is the possibility that babies are born alive in Planned Parenthood facilities. Because chemicals used to kill the child in utero poisons the organs and tissue, digoxin or potassium chloride cannot be used for fetal tissue procurement. Thus, the child with the beating heart, described in the video, was alive.

In an interview with Breitbart News, Dr. Theresa Deisher noted that “babies in some of these cases were alive until their hearts were cut out” for harvesting.

Deisher, who aided the Center for Medical Progress in exposing Planned Parenthood’s illegal and disturbing practice of selling the body parts of aborted babies, suspects that some children may been kept alive until their hearts were cut out, in order to best preserve the organs for harvesting.  She explains:

If you read scientific publications, in which they use the fetal material for some indications, particularly, cardio-vascular, or nerve cell research, they discuss the necessity of having tissue in the digesting buffer solution within five minutes for optimal yields. So, within five minutes of death, you would have to have the heart removed, and flushed of all blood, cleaned of any extra tissue that might be there, and the heart put into a liquid with enzymes that would digest the connective tissue and release the muscle cells.

Sometimes, they use an apparatus where they hook the heart up and they would flush fluid through it to keep it alive and beating. And you can’t have a dead heart that’s going to work in that kind of process.


That’s a lot of complicated medical science talk, but keep reading. She continues, with a most disturbing statement: “Biomedical companies prefer gestational ages of greater than 20 weeks for heart muscle. This is from reading their publications; so, I have always suspected that the babies in some of these cases were alive until their hearts were cut out.”

Dr. Deisher, a world-class scientist with a successful career in regenerative medicine and adult stem cell therapies, holds a doctorate in molecular and cellular physiology from Stanford University. She is the founder of Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute, and the CEO of AVM Biotechnology. She was also first in the world to identify and patent stem cells from the adult human heart. Based on these credentials, she knows what she’s talking about.

In light of the rising stack of proof of Planned Parenthood’s total disregard for the law – and for human life – we suggest a full, thorough, unbiased, and immediate top-to-bottom investigation of Planned Parenthood.

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