Hours ago, USA Today printed an op-ed by Senator Ted Cruz, one of the top-tier GOP presidential candidates. Cruz is known for speaking the truth and shooting straight with the American people.
The op-ed is titled simply: “Cruz: End Planned Parenthood funding.” An experienced attorney who was personally asked by the U.S. Supreme Court to argue before the Court – a high honor – Cruz asserts that “accounting gimmicks can’t hide the fact that federal support ultimately pays for abortion.”
In the op-ed, Cruz lays out the case for defunding – and the possible prosecution – of Planned Parenthood. He describes in vivid detail the need for a civilized America to protect the most vulnerable human beings among us while we simultaneously support “our nation’s mothers, daughters and sisters.”
The boldness and logic of Cruz’s op-ed demonstrate his fearless credentials as a pro-life leader who will fight to end taxpayer funding of the barbaric abortion giant.
Cruz writes, in part:
Planned Parenthood has performed more than a million abortions over the past three years, and its work accounts for nearly one-third of all abortions in the United States.
For far too long, Planned Parenthood has hidden behind the well-crafted charade that that it exists to protect women’s health. In reality, it is in the business of killing unborn children on an industrial scale. Despite what Planned Parenthood contends, abortion procedures, not women’s health, are its lifeblood. Hundreds of thousands of annual abortions generate nearly 40% of Planned Parenthood’s clinic revenues. Simply put, Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion profiteer. For every woman who gets prenatal care at Planned Parenthood, the organization reports more than 15 abortions. For every woman who is referred for adoption assistance, there are more than 150 abortions.
The abortion industry places more value on killing babies than it does on the sanctity of human life, and under no circumstance should it receive taxpayer funds. This is more than a mere fiscal matter — this is a moral issue. How we handle this issue reflects who we are as Americans and what we value most — either the lives of the most innocent and the health of our nation’s mothers, daughters and sisters or the fiscal solvency of an industry that exists to abort babies.
For these reasons, I intend to lead the fight in the United States Senate to defund Planned Parenthood, even while investigations continue. The time for show votes is over. Funding the federal government does not require funding Planned Parenthood. But basic decency and our committment to the right to life does require that we stop taxpayer funding of abortions and any trade in baby parts.
To read the entire op-ed, visit USA Today’s page here.