
Hillary Clinton: “I am a real person” but preborn babies aren’t

Hillary Clinton

Hillary I AM a real personOn “Face the Nation” this past weekend, Hillary Clinton, in her first Sunday show appearance in four years, described herself as “a real person.” Apparently, Clinton believes she has been in public life so long that people forget that she is just a regular person who goes shopping.

Clinton’s insistence that she is a “real person” might cause us to ask, “Exactly what IS a real person?” According to her, preborn babies just don’t count. In the same interview, Clinton was asked if she supported a federal limit on abortion at any stage in pregnancy. Her answer? No:

This is one of those really painful questions that people raise and obviously it’s really emotional. I think that the kind of late term abortions that take place are because of medical necessity and therefore I would hate to see the government interfering with that decision. I think that uh, again, this gets back to whether you respect a woman’s right to choose or not. And I think that’s what this whole argument, once again, is about.

Hillary Partial Birth abortionIn addition to supporting late term abortions generally, when Clinton served as a Senator from New York, she defended the gruesome practice of partial-birth abortion, a late-term procedure in which a baby is delivered up to the shoulders with the head remaining in the birth canal. The child’s brain is then vacuumed out in order to deliver a dead baby. Again – Clinton supported this.

During that March 12, 2003 debate, Senator Rick Santorum pointed out to Clinton that out of the 182 partial birth abortions reported in one year in the state of Kansas, none were done for medical reasons. And years earlier, pro-choice spokesperson Ron Fitzsimmons – who headed the of the National Coalition of Abortion Providers (NCAP) – acknowledged to Nightline, “The majority of these [partial-birth abortion] procedures are performed in the late second trimester on healthy women and healthy fetuses.” He estimated that the abortion industry was performing 3000 to 5000 of these procedures annually.

Also in 2013, late-term abortionist Susan Robinson admitted that many women come to her for late-term abortions for reasons unrelated to health concerns:

I’ve had women that only got a positive on their third test. And either way they think they just got pregnant. They have no idea they’re in their 24th week. So they make an appointment for an abortion, and it takes a few weeks, and they have their ultrasound and find out that they’re at 27 weeks, which is too far for an abortion anywhere. So then what happens? They either give up or have a baby, or they go on the Internet and they find us.

Despite this, Hillary Clinton went on national television this past weekend, two years after receiving all of this evidence, and repeated the lie that late-term abortions are done for reasons of “medical necessity.”

Hillary Planned ParenthoodOf course, this is to be expected from a long time supporter of abortion and Planned Parenthood, who once praised Planned Parenthood’s racist founder, Margaret Sanger. She remains an ardent defender of the abortion giant despite undercover videos from the Center for Medical Progress exposing Planned Parenthood’s baby body parts harvesting operation.

Clinton once said she wanted abortion to be “safe, legal and rare.”

Today, Clinton is much more hardened and refuses to restrict child killing in the womb at all. By consistently mouthing the line that abortion is a woman’s right to choose, Clinton denies that unborn babies are “real persons” worthy of protection under the Constitution.

Isn’t it ironic that the American public is now having difficulty seeing Hillary Clinton as a “real person”?


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