
Planned Parenthood’s attempt to pinkwash their scandal with #PinkOut Day fails

Planned Parenthood decided they needed to rally the troops, and announced #PinkOut Day. The goal was to have their supporters wear pink, pink out their profile pictures on social media, and to use the hashtag #PinkOut to show their solidarity with the abortion giant.

It’s #PinkOut Day! Today, we’re turning the Internet pink. We’re rallying for reproductive health and rights in cities…

Posted by Planned Parenthood on Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Unfortunately for Planned Parenthood, #PinkOut Day turned out to be a massive failure. Sure, they had their supporters:

#PINKOUT Day! #StandwithPP Enough attacks on Women’s Healthcare … Planned Parenthood Action!

Posted by I’m Still Josh on Tuesday, September 29, 2015

A search of the #PinkOut hashtag on social media found that many mentions were coming from Planned Parenthood and other abortion organizations, like NARAL — and not from average women looking to support Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood provides essential services for LGBT people. After months of relentless attacks on Planned Parenthood, it’s time to #StandWithPP on #PinkOut Day.

Posted by GLAAD on Tuesday, September 29, 2015

In fact, the effort may have backfired wildly on Planned Parenthood, as pro-lifers quickly took over the hashtag, urging people to #BlackOut the #PinkOut. While #PinkOut started the day trending on Twitter, within hours, the hashtag #DefundPP had taken its place.

Planned Parenthood’s attempt to pinkwash away their scandal ended up being an epic failure, thanks to the actions of pro-lifers who refuse to let the issue be erased.

Wearing pink would not have made the videos any less horrific; hashtags can’t make the reality of what Planned Parenthood has done go away. No matter how many of their supporters Planned Parenthood can get to pink out their profile pictures or throw on a pink shirt, America has shown that they refuse to be fooled any longer. The truth will not be hidden away any longer.

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