
Center for Medical Progress: Planned Parenthood ‘has no intention’ of ending baby parts sales

Yesterday, Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards testified before Congress in a hearing that lasted over five hours.

Throughout the hearing, Richards continued to deny statistics regarding the services Planned Parenthood provides – including those taken from the abortion giant’s own annual report.

Richards also continued to claim that holding Planned Parenthood accountable for its actions would “block” women’s access to health care – even after being confronted with plans which would redirect money to healthcare facilities with a much better record of serving women, and add $235,000,000 to women’s healthcare.

But perhaps most stunningly, Richards claimed that “we [Planned Parenthood] follow all the laws at the state and federal level,” a claim which has been proven untrue time and time again.


In response to Richards’ testimony before Congress, David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress issued a statement

Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards admits in her written testimony before Congress today that she is “proud” of Planned Parenthood’s baby body parts harvesting program. In person, Planned Parenthood’s CEO frequently hid behind the corporate veil of Planned Parenthood’s affiliates and could not provide basic information about Planned Parenthood’s abortion revenue and fetal harvesting practices. Planned Parenthood’s CEO’s evasive testimony will only prolong the controversy over this corrupt and unaccountable organization, while taxpayers continue to foot the bill for their expanding late-term abortion business and baby parts harvesting chop-shop. Her testimony clearly demonstrates that Planned Parenthood, at least on Cecile Richards’ watch, has no intention of ending these atrocities against humanity and is not worthy of taxpayer funding.

Daleiden also pointed out that while Planned Parenthood and friends have complained that full footage has not yet been made available, it isn’t the fault of the Center for Medical Progress:

The Center for Medical Progress continues to cooperate with the now-five Congressional Committee investigations, subject to an unconstitutional prior-restraint TRO from Planned Parenthood’s allies at the National Abortion Federation. If Planned Parenthood wants to see all of CMP’s footage released, as they claimed in the hearing today, then they should tell their cronies at the National Abortion Federation to back down from their unconstitutional suppression of First Amendment rights to free speech and citizen journalism.

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