
Cruz: States should ‘stand up and lead’ to defund Planned Parenthood

Senator Ted Cruz is best known for standing by the right principles, despite opposition. And once again, Cruz is standing by his call for the government to end taxpayer funding of abortion giant, Planned Parenthood.

While Cruz’s battle to end the federal funding of Planned Parenthood has not yet been won, he doesn’t see this as the end of the fight. Posting on his presidential campaign’s Facebook page, Cruz wrote: “You don’t have to win every fight. … But you DO have to stand for something.” And speaking of standing for something, Cruz is now speaking out on how state governments can and ought to stop Planned Parenthood funding.

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart, Cruz said:

I encourage every state legislature and every governor to stand up and lead on Planned Parenthood. Unfortunately, Republican leadership in Washington is unwilling to lead and, indeed, it’s Republican leadership who’s joined with Barack Obama in leading the fight to preserve taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood.

The states can make a real difference.

I’m proud of my home state of Texas for standing up and leading and I would encourage every state to take the lead in stopping taxpayer funds from going to a private organization – Planned Parenthood – that is currently under multiple investigations for apparently committing a pattern of ongoing felonies of illegally selling the body parts of unborn children.

Numerous states have launched investigations of Planned Parenthood after the release of videos showing top officials bartering over the harvesting and sale of baby body parts. The scandal-ridden abortion giant is also subject to investigations by at least three House Committees. A special committee with the express purpose of investigating Planned Parenthood may be formed in the near future.

Despite Planned Parenthood’s proclamations that the state investigations have cleared the organization of wrongdoing, PP conveniently glosses over both Florida and South Carolina. In both of these states, PP abortion clinics have been found grossly violating the law (one was cited with 21 separate violations) – in ways unrelated to the sale of baby body parts, demonstrating that the corruption of the abortion giant runs deep.

Breitbart reports that Louisiana, Arkansas, Alabama, Utah, and New Hampshire have all “moved to eliminate Medicaid funding from Planned Parenthood” since mid-July, when the first incriminating video was released by the Center for Medical Progress. (See the latest video here.)

Cruz hopes that more states will follow, taking it upon themselves to responsibly act in the best interests of their citizens. In no state should taxpayers be forced to hand over their hard-earned dollars to a lavishly wealthy organization that breaks laws, takes innocent life, deceives vulnerable women, consistently covers up the sexual abuse of minors, sells human body parts, and lies to contain it all.

The basic truth of Cruz’s words should resonate deeply with each of us: It’s up to each of us, now, to responsibly put a legal end to Planned Parenthood’s corruption.


Write your state officials – governor, attorney general, and state legislators (including the top House and Senate officials in your state as well as the ones representing your district) – requesting that they take action to eliminate Medicaid and other funding to Planned Parenthood. Speak out about the Planned Parenthood truth. And don’t let up.

America is coming with us as the truth is exposed. In a recent poll, Americans who had heard “at least a little” about the Planned Parenthood videos were asked if, based on what they had seen or heard, the abortion giant had broken the law.

54 percent said yes.

And this was a 6 percent increase from a poll finished just ten days earlier, which found that 48 percent believe PP has broken the law. So don’t stop posting the videos, talking about the corruption and barbarity of Planned Parenthood, or urging your state officials to take action.

Now is not the time to be silent.

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