For as long as abortion has been an issue, abortion providers have been telling women the lie that the ‘thing’ they are aborting is just that, a thing. They say it’s just a “clump of cells.” They tell women ‘it’s’ not a baby. They even deny that pictures of preborn babies are real. The pro-lifers doctor the photos, they say. But behind closed doors, the truth comes out.
In a panel discussion at the NAF annual meeting, an abortionist asks a question about how to “legitimize” what they do in the face of critics. And the gruesome answer to that question reveals the facts. (See the 16-18 minute mark below.)
Ignoring the fetus is a luxury of activists and advocates. If you aren’t in there every day, … You can’t ignore the fetus, right? Because the fetus is the marker of how well, how good of a job you did, right? If you don’t account for all the parts, and you don’t look carefully, you, you may be setting someone up for infection or hemorrhage or whatever. The fetus matters. Clinically to us. Not to mention that women know what’s in there. You know about two thirds, over 60 percent of women are already mothers. And the remainder don’t want to be mothers. They’re not stupid. They know what’s in there.
She’s right, of course. Women are not stupid. It doesn’t take much of a reach for anyone with a functioning brain – or the internet in this modern age – to realize that pregnancy means a baby is inside a woman, and an abortion means killing the baby.
The shrouded language abortionists use to con women into consenting may succeed in on-the-spot manipulation, but women aren’t stupid. That’s why post-abortive women very often suffer the grief, guilt, and loss as the months and years go by (as this CNN iReport demonstrates). Women know what they did. It’s not the abortion provider who has to live with each woman’s pain. The abortion staff takes the money and moves on to the next killing.

More real-life photos and videos at the scientific Endowment for Human Development.
What the speaker on the NAF panel says next – while explaining how to legitimize the work they do – is a blatant admission of violence and the killing of a human person (often known as murder):
I actually think it should be less about denying the reality of those images and more about acknowledging, that, “yeah that’s kind of true,” so given that we actually see the fetus the same way, and given that we might actually both agree that there’s violence in here. … Let’s just give them all “it’s violence, it’s a person, it’s killing.”
Let’s just give them all that. And then the more compelling question is, why is this the most important thing I can do with my life? … I don’t think it needs to be about correcting facts; I think it needs to be about moving the conversation to a different place.
With the same breath, this abortionist has admitted both that she constantly inflicts violence on preborn babies, intentionally killing them, and that killing these human beings is the most important thing she can do with her life.
As the private sessions at the NAF convention are revealed to the public, it becomes even more apparent why the abortion organization immediately sued to hide the truth. Behind closed doors, abortionists admit they are violently killing people (their own words) and that they find this work personally valuable.
Comparisons to the Holocaust have never been more appropriate. And neither has the recognition of the personhood of the child in the womb.