
Want more people to get care? Fund health centers instead of Planned Parenthood.

During the 2012 campaign, President Obama remarked (referring to the meme pictured below), “As I say, as some of these emails that go around with my picture on them say, I can’t quote the entire thing, but ‘I got this.’”

Obama meme

What did the rest of us get? Well, that’s been a little harder to pin down. Economic growth is anemic, wages are stagnant, and the national debt totals over eighteen trillion dollars. But even in tough times, there’s one outfit that’s done pretty well for itself.

Planned Parenthood is America’s largest abortion chain, performing over three hundred thousand of them every year. It also receives more than half a billion dollars in federal funding. Meanwhile, the salary of its CEO stands at just under six hundred thousand dollars.

That’s despite the fact that Planned Parenthood executives have been caught on tape talking about organ trafficking and apparently partial-birth abortions. Evidence of infanticide has emerged, too.

Holly O’Donnell worked for StemExpress, a tissue procurement company that had a long relationship with Planned Parenthood. While at a Planned Parenthood facility in CaIifornia, she says she was told to harvest brain matter from an aborted fetus whose heart was still beating.

O’Donnell’s words are bolstered by those of Dr. Savita Ginde. Ginde is Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains’ Vice President, and in the video below, she admits that children are sometimes delivered intact during second trimester abortions. This is the same video in which she refers to an aborted fetus as “a baby.”

Planned Parenthood also has a long history of helping to hide rape and abuse. Gary Cross, Timothy Smith, John Blanks, Jr., Adam Gault, Joseph Coles, Kevon Walker, Edgar Ramirez, and Denise Fairbank’s father were all able to stay out of jail and keep harming their victims thanks to the cover-up abortions Planned Parenthood performed.

That fits with what Live Action has documented. When Live Action founder Lila Rose told a Planned Parenthood counselor in Memphis that she was fourteen and carrying her thirty one year-old boyfriend’s baby, Rose was told to lie about the man’s age when seeking an abortion. Trips to other facilities yielded similar results.


Nevertheless, Obama has made it clear Planned Parenthood’s funding isn’t to be touched. He argues that doing so “would limit access to health care for men, women, and families across the Nation.” However, if the president really wants to help vulnerable people, then there’s a more effective way to do it.

Over thirteen thousand federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) exist in America. They serve almost twenty three million people, far in excess of Planned Parenthood’s two point eight million clients. They also provide a broader range of services than Planned Parenthood offers: whereas FQHCs provided more than five hundred thousand mammograms last year, Planned Parenthood provided none. And unlike Planned Parenthood, FQHCs don’t have a record of concealing abuse and selling human remains.

Redirecting Planned Parenthood’s funding to FQHCs would be a smart move, one that pro-lifers are pushing for. Unfortunately, President Obama and most of the Democratic caucus are against it.

If you’re not impressed with that, sign Live Action’s petition demanding an end to Planned Parenthood’s funding. And if you need help finding an FQHC, then visit GetYourCare.org. Sponsored by a number of pro-lifer organizations, the site has a convenient search feature as well as an interactive map showing the FQHCs in your state.

Pro-lifers are fighting to see more people get the care they need;  it’d be nice if President Obama just chilled out and quit standing in the way. Because the simple fact is, we got this.

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