Between September 28 and October 29, 2015, the following five abortion facilities have ceased abortion services, with four of the facilities shutting down for good:
• Ocala Women’s Center in Ocala, Florida
• Albany Medical-Surgical Center in Chicago, Illinois
• Appleton Health Center Planned Parenthood in Appleton, Wisconsin
• Summit Women’s Center in Bridgeport, Connecticut
• Amethyst Health Center in Manassas, Virginia
So far, 21 abortion clinics have shut down in 2015 alone.
Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue, explains that recent closures of abortion facilities are having a noticeable impact on state and national abortion rates.
“When abortion numbers come out for 2015, we expect that abortions will have decreased in each state where abortion clinics have closed,” said Newman. “When there is no abortion business marketing their grisly product to vulnerable women, we have found that ladies find other ways of managing life challenges other than taking the lives of their babies. In other words, when abortion clinics close, lives are saved.”
The abortion rate dropped 40 percent in Iowa between 2007 and 2015 following the closure of several abortion facilities, including Planned Parenthood facilities. As Newman pointed out, the continuing trend of abortion facility closures will save the lives of thousands.