(Via MRC Newsbusters) Hulu is under criticism – for censoring women’s choices.
In a Nov. 11 press release, pro-life group Students for Life of America revealed that online video streaming service Hulu refused to air ads offering pregnant women options other than Planned Parenthood. Yet, Hulu had no problem airing ads sponsored by the abortion giant itself.
The two 15-second animated commercials created by Students for Life direct women to a government database of local healthcare centers which doesn’t include Planned Parenthood.
According to the grassroots pro-life group, a Hulu account executive declared that the company refuses “ads that surround issues like this.”
“There are certain types of advertisers we do not accept on Hulu: guns, gambling, marijuana, and pro-life/pro-choice,” the executive wrote in an email. “As mentioned, this is decided on by senior leadership here at Hulu who make the decisions regarding our ad standards.”
In other words, the ad goes against Hulu’s policy. Or does it?
According to Students for life, Hulu has aired at least one ad by Planned Parenthood in the past. Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, performs 174 abortions for every adoption referral.
Hulu is owned by 21st Century Fox along with Walt Disney Co. and NBC Universal. Ironically, Comcast, which owns NBC Universal, has agreed to air the ads.
“The ads were designed to be non-controversial yet reach women who may need to see it the most,” said Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life, in a press release. “The only reason Hulu would find this controversial is because Planned Parenthood is currently caught in the middle of a damning scandal, where high-level officials were seen on video discussing the harvesting and sale of baby body parts.”
Hulu, she stressed, is repressing women’s choices.
“We simply produced these ads to show women that there are federally-funded non-biased options for care. Isn’t that what choice is all about?” continued Hawkins. “Hulu is censoring content and it’s a shame to see them do this because our commercials are designed to help women, not exploit them like Planned Parenthood does.”
In response, Students for Life asked followers to sign a petition addressed to Hulu CEO Mike Hopkins.
In an exclusive statement to MRC Culture, Hawkins again criticized Hulu. “We are giving women options,” she said, “and Hulu should too.”
Editor’s Note: This article was first published at MRC Newsbusters on November 11, 2015, and is reprinted here with permission.