While the mainstream media attempts to smear peaceful pro-lifers since the tragic shooting at a Colorado Planned Parenthood in November, that same media ignores the all-too-common emergency calls when women suffer complications at abortion facilities across the country.
One recent incident took place at a Planned Parenthood in Columbus, Ohio, on October 9, 2015. Audio from the 911 call reveals that Planned Parenthood staff called for the ambulance to transfer a patient they identified as having low pressure caused by hemorrhaging during a D&E abortion.
Video of the tragic event was captured by pro-lifers and documents a Planned Parenthood patient being wheeled to a waiting ambulance with a sheet over her head. Members of Created Equal’s sidewalk ministry were on the ground when the medic team rushed the patient away from the abortion giant’s office:
“Um, this is Tracy, I’m one of the nurses calling from Planned Parenthood,” the abortion worker tells 911.
“We have a patient who is inter-op, having an elective D&E [abortion] and we have a little bit of a bleed,” she says, adding that the patient’s “blood pressure is low.”
The call is then transferred to the medic who tells the 911 operator he knows “right where it’s at” (the location of the facility).
Created Equal points out that while the pro-abortion media claims to care for women, media outlets do not report the dangers of abortion. Instead, they hype rare instances of “clinic violence” like the tragic shooting at a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood, claiming “pro-life rhetoric” was somehow to blame – completely ignoring the crimes and violence committed by those in the abortion industry. Pro-life organizations have also documented the poor medical care women receive at various abortion centers as well as the names of hundreds of women who have been killed as a result of so-called “safe and legal” abortion. But on these matters, the media remains silent.
Mark Harrington, National Director for Created Equal, called the media’s double standard “deplorable”:
While we found this opportunistic effort to score political points in the wake of the Colorado tragedy deplorable, Created Equal has indeed long documented the violence inside abortion clinics—dismembering preborn humans. Now adding to this evidence of abortion violence is disturbing footage of one woman’s tragic experience inside Planned Parenthood of Columbus, OH.
Harrington added that Created Equal will continue to document the horrors of abortion, sending a message to Planned Parenthood that his group “will investigate your botched abortions leading to sterility and even death of adult women. Abortion is never safe for the babies you kill. And it is dangerous for mothers, too.”
To date, there has been no additional information on this woman’s condition.