
NARAL criticizes Nancy Pelosi for not being pro-choice enough


Nancy Pelosi has a long and well-documented history of fighting for abortion. Voting against a partial birth abortion ban, frequently earning a 0% rating from the National Right to Life committee, and receiving the Margaret Sanger Award from Planned Parenthood in 2014, it would be very, very difficult to describe Pelosi as anything but extremely pro-abortion.

But apparently, she’s not pro-abortion enough for NARAL.

In an interview published Wednesday in Roll Call, Pelosi criticized pro-life legislators and argued for abortion rights. However, when asked about limits on abortion, Pelosi said twice, “I don’t believe in abortion on demand.” She also discussed her Catholic faith.

I take great comfort in my faith, come from a very Catholic family, largely pro-life. I’ve had five children and the day my fifth child was born, my oldest turned 6, so I’m with the program in terms of the Catholic Church.

NARAL immediately took issue with Pelosi’s brief departure from typical empty pro-abortion talking points. In a statement issued by Sasha Bruce, NARAL’s senior vice president for campaigns and strategy, NARAL slammed Pelosi for her choice of words.

[Pelosi] should stop using twisted GOP talking points about abortion and birth control. We don’t know women who demand abortion or use abortion as birth control… at a moment when so much is at stake, her comments are particularly disappointing and ill-advised.

“We don’t know women who demand abortion or use abortion as birth control”? NARAL is either very forgetful or very dishonest.

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