The 15th Surgeon General of the United States, Joycelyn Elders, is most famous for her outspokenness on sensitive issues of the public health. Take a look at her honest opinion on the unborn children:
“We really need to get over this love affair with the fetus and start worrying about children.”
How ridiculous this statement sounds. She obviously does not consider the human fetus as a child let alone a human being. For her background in biology and degree from University of Arkansas Medical School, one would think she would have learned the scientific fact that life starts at fertilization.
Either Elders falsely thinks that “children” magically come to life at birth or that some human lives (unborn ones) are less valuable than others (born ones) – which is scary Hitleresque eugenics thinking.
I agree with her that there is a need to worry about the well-being of children, but in my opinion, if children call for our attention then we need to start with the unborn lives that are being slaughtered and killed every day because of abortion. The trouble is not only with some parents who are neglecting born children, but it starts with the unborn who are being harmed in the womb and are being denied their right to life.
That is the real issue here.
Remember to stay focused on the job we are all called to do. Continue fighting for the rights of the beautiful unborn lives in the womb.