
Quote of the day: Supreme Court will decide if women’s safety is important

donor-conceived woman fired at Planned Parenthood for having cancer

It’s no wonder abortion clinics don’t want to spend the money to meet safer fire codes, purchase proper sterilization equipment, or provide for wider hallways so that gurneys can fit through. But are the financial problems of abortion clinics valid reasons for asserting that the Constitution guarantees their survival? Must the state allow substandard care in order to make abortion available — or does it have a responsibility to protect people?

The Supreme Court will answer this question, probably before the end of the month. And Kermit Gosnell will either cheer for abortionists from his prison cell — or see that real progress for patient safety has actually been achieved.

~ Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life, The Washington Times, June 21, 2016

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