After learning they’re pregnant, most women decide whether to abort within 48 hours. Support for them and their children is available, but too many don’t know it. There’s a group working to change that; you might be able to help.
Save the Storks works with “pregnancy center affiliates to provide expectant mothers with the spiritual, physical, financial, and emotional support they need to choose life.” Part of their mission involves letting women know what pregnancy centers have to offer, and they have a new way to do so: Assure Me pregnancy test dispensers.
A woman can purchase pregnancy test kits from them anonymously and for less than she would pay in a drugstore. Each one is equipped with a toll free number that will put her in touch with a local care center. There, she can receive material and emotional support along with information about pregnancy, parenting, and adoption.
Dispensers also carry date rape detection strips as well. By warning if a drink has been spiked, they both help women protect themselves and demonstrate that sexual violence is something pro-lifers want to stop.
Assure Me dispensers expand the pro-life message to new places, including bars, fitness centers, nightclubs, convenience stores, restaurants, and college campuses. If you want to play a role in making that happen, send an email to or call (866) 639-0479, extension 3.
Assistance is available to new moms, regardless of their circumstances. Pro-lifers need to let them know where to find it.