In a new letter, Planned Parenthood Federation of America executive vice president Dawn Laguens hails Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton as “hands down, the strongest nominee we’ve ever seen on women’s health and rights” — by which, she means abortion.
Planned Parenthood endorsed Clinton in January, hailing her as a champion for “everything Planned Parenthood has believed in and fought for over the past 100 years.” She is 100% pro-abortion, including late-term and partial-birth abortions.
Laguens called the former First Lady, New York Senator, and US Secretary of State a “champion” for “birth control and family planning” and “access to safe, legal abortion.” Both the popular euphemism “access” and the fact that nobody has proposed banning birth control indicate these are actually references to Clinton’s support for forcing taxpayers to subsidize abortion and insurers to fund contraceptives.
In the email, Laguens also attacked the Republican ticket, complaining that nominee Donald Trump “has promised to eliminate funding for Planned Parenthood health centers and pack the Supreme Court with anti-abortion justices, and he’s said that there should be punishment for women who seek abortions and doctors who provide them,” and that running mate Mike Pence “signed one of the most extreme and invasive anti-abortion laws in the country” as Governor of Indiana.
Trump is running on a pro-life platform that includes appointing judges who would overturn Roe v. Wade and defunding Planned Parenthood, and he withdrew his controversial remarks about prosecuting women for abortions hours after making them.
Pence has a strong pro-life record both as a governor and as a Congressman. Live Action’s analysis of the controversy over the pro-life legislation he signed this year can be read here.