The abortion movement — especially NARAL Pro-Choice America –has been railing against pro-life pregnancy resource centers for women for years. As Calvin Freiburger recently highlighted, the pro-abortion media is currently up in arms about the Idaho state health department informing women of where they can receive free ultrasounds, because all of the locations are crisis pregnancy centers.
NARAL naturally couldn’t resist the chance to knock CPCs by tweeting this ThinkProgress article from Alex Zielinski…
SERIOUSLY? Idaho is telling women to go to #antichoice #CPCs to receive #reprohealth care: @alex_zee #ExposeCPCs
— NARAL (@NARAL) August 4, 2016
(Freiburger debunked NARAL’s lies about CPCs in a three-part series, focusing on ultrasounds here.)
The most significant admission in Zielinski’s anti-CPC rant is that Planned Parenthood locations weren’t included on the state’s list because they don’t provide free ultrasounds. No, Planned Parenthood charges for theirs, along with everything else, despite supposedly being a resource for “women’s healthcare.” None of Planned Parenthood’s services are free, and while they do routinely perform ultrasounds before abortions, the purpose of those ultrasounds are not to fully inform the woman but to date the pregnancy (to know which procedure to use) and guide the abortionist on performing the abortion correctly, to lessen the mother’s own chances of injury or death. And, of course, abortion is Planned Parenthood’s most lucrative trade — otherwise, this national and world leader in abortions wouldn’t see pregnant women as a way to make a profit.
Planned Parenthood has yet to meet an abortion regulation it wasn’t willing to fight — even informed consent laws, including ultrasounds. Twenty-five states have some sort of law requiring that a woman be given the opportunity to view her ultrasound before an abortion, and Planned Parenthood all too often opposes these laws.
Planned Parenthood has denied women the chance to see their ultrasounds (even when required to do so by law). They’ve also lied to women about fetal development. As Planned Parenthood already regards itself as above the law, this shouldn’t be surprising. The reality is that Planned Parenthood doesn’t get their money when women change their minds about abortion after being fully informed and seeing their babies’ ultrasounds. That’s the side the abortion movement doesn’t like to deal with or even acknowledge.
How is Planned Parenthood’s opposition to informed consent laws helpful to women’s health? How is it pro-woman or pro-choice if women are only encouraged toward one option — abortion? It’s not, which is why Planned Parenthood isn’t actually pro-woman or pro-choice at all.