The celebration of Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday often brings with it attempts to twist and pervert his legacy to score political...
Andrea Grimes and Sharona Coutts are senior figures at RH Reality Check, both having worked on various projects there. Grimes is famous...
Take a minute and think about the difference between pro-lifers and Islamic terrorists. One group wants to save lives; the other takes...
Abortion advocates like to call themselves “pro-choice” because, as they say, all they want is for a woman to be able to...
In what must have been an exercise to see just how far a narrative can be stretched until it snaps, RH Reality...
A Louisiana bill was passed this week to require abortionists to inform their patients of the psychological effects of abortion. Women seeking...
Dr. Ulrich Klopfer is a victim. Did you know that? The Indiana abortionist is the subject of a mean, mean anti-abortion witch...
Scratch a “choice” advocate, find a fascist.
The horror.
He is not exactly a model citizen.
A new low from the folks who shouldn't be capable of sinking farther.
Starting to see a trend here.
When is a person not a person?
Sometimes the only thing these folks do by trying to undermine an argument is strengthen it.