An abortionist in Spain has been ordered to pay child support for the next 25 years for a child he failed to kill in the womb. According to Catholic Exchange, the unnamed doctor performed a surgical abortion on a woman who was about 7 weeks pregnant and then, two weeks later, confirmed that the abortion had been a success, telling the woman she was no longer pregnant. Three months later and nearly five months pregnant, the woman returned to the doctor believing she was pregnant yet again. However, the doctor informed her of her child’s gestational age and refused to do an abortion since it was after the legal period of 14 weeks’ gestation. The clinic gave her a refund and referred her to a late-term abortion clinic that might do the abortion, but that clinic also refused, according to The Telegraph.
The 24-year-old mother gave birth to a healthy boy, now 18 months old, a decision she does not regret. However, she sued the abortionist for medical negligence, a first in Spain where abortion had been illegal except in cases of rape, fetal abnormality, and threat to the mother’s health until 2010. The unnamed doctor and clinic were ordered to pay the woman an initial 150,000 euros, or $180,000, plus 978 euros a month, or $1,226, until the boy is 26 years old. reports the mother as saying:
I’m fine now and have accepted things. I haven’t any other choice. When the day comes for me to explain to my son what happened I will tell him hoping he understands. I didn’t want him when I went to have an abortion but that’s not the case now.
The miracle of this boy’s life may have occurred due to medical negligence, but he is still a miracle nonetheless, especially since the doctor failed on not one, but two occasions – during the initial abortion and during the mother’s follow-up two weeks later. The boy is blessed to be alive, but also blessed to be in good health.
In 2001, a failed abortion in Florida led to the premature birth of a baby girl after late-term abortion specialist James Pendergraft failed to kill the child in a quick enough time frame for the 22-week pregnant mother, who left the clinic and went to a hospital where she gave birth to a 1-lb., 6-oz. baby girl. Her daughter, now age 11, has cerebral palsy; no function on the left side of her body; strokes and brain damage; physical, emotional, and cognitive delays; lung damage; chronic lung disease; and seizure disorders, according to a report by Pendergraft was ordered to pay the girl and her mother $36 million. The girl’s lawyer said that if the abortionist had done an ultrasound, the abortion never would have occurred due to the gestational age of the girl.
In both cases, the abortionist failed to do his horrid job correctly. However, both instances also resulted in a child winning his or her right to life. These are two miracles with two vastly different outcomes, and hopefully, they’ll result in two abortionists going out of business.