Today, Hannah Myers and a group of students released a video called “Demand a Plan to End Abortion – Students Speak Out.” You can watch it for yourself at the end of this article. The students in this video exemplify exactly what so many in our generation are doing today.
We are tired of having our brothers and sisters, our friends and neighbors, our schoolmates and fellow employees targeted for death before they even have a chance to be born. We are tired of having a third of our generation executed, often simply for the sake of convenience.
We are standing up and declaring that forty years of death has been way too long. It’s time for years of life. Many in this world speak of peace, love, and unity. And yet they forget that none of these things are possible when we continually kill the most innocent and helpless among us.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a young man who took a stand against Hitler that led to his death, also spoke out against abortion. He said:
Destruction of the embryo in the mother’s womb is a violation of the right to live which God has bestowed upon this nascent life. To raise the question whether we are here concerned already with a human being or not is merely to confuse the issue. The simple fact is that God certainly intended to create a human being and that this nascent human being has been deliberately deprived of his life. And that is nothing but murder.
Just over a decade ago, Alveda King – Martin Luther King, Jr.’s niece – spoke these words for her uncle, who untiringly stood for the equal rights of all and was killed at a young age for his stand:
What would Martin Luther King say if he saw the skulls of babies at the bottom of abortion pits? If Martin Luther King’s dream is to live, our babies must live. We have been fueled by the fires of women’s rights. What about the rights of the baby who is artificially breached. We can’t sit idly by and allow legal murder.
Indeed, the biggest part of the plan to end abortion must be to stop standing idly by. Not one of us has the right to do nothing. It’s simply not an option. As the students in the video below are stating, we must demand a plan to end abortion. And we must demand such a plan by being part of the plan. In the comments below, share your plans for how we can end abortion. Share how you, yourself, can be part of the plan. What are you doing now? What do you plan to do tomorrow?
Abortion will end not because of one person, one movement, one action, or one organization. The end of injustice often comes as a collective cry rises from the hearts of a nation’s people – people of all ages and genders. Each part and each person is immeasurably important and vital. You can be a part of the plan to end abortion in many ways:
- Make and share your own social media
- Spread videos like Hannah Myers’s, and challenge your family and friends to be a part of the plan
- Speak out – in class, at work, at the grocery store, and in front of abortion clinics
- Become a counselor or a volunteer at a pregnancy resource center and be there for women in need
- Vote only for politicians who will actively work to stop abortion
- Be an editor or a writer for your school paper and get pro-life info out there
- Submit letters to the editor to newspapers in your state
- Organize pro-life events – even a bake sale to raise money for a pregnancy resource center – and call the media
- Volunteer for a pro-life legal organization, or, if you’re an attorney, become an allied attorney for Alliance Defending Freedom and bring cases yourself
- Get on the board of your local pro-life organization
- Answer people’s questions on abortion on Yahoo! Answers (one of my favorite ideas)
- Start a ballot initiative in your state
- Testify on behalf of pro-life legislation
- Carry drop cardswherever you go
- Write for a pro-life blog or start your own
- Dedicate some of your Tweets and Facebook posts to talking about abortion in a creative way
- Get together with your friends and ask these questions together
- E-mail these questions to your pastor, or set up a meeting with him to talk aboutwhat your church can do
- Keep working to instill pro-life values in your children
- Do the things you’re passionate about, and do the hard things
- Remember to share your ideas and your plan below!