
A plea to stop China’s violence against pregnant women

The stories from China are chilling. They make you wonder if something like this could really be happening in the twenty-first century. They sound like something from the Dark Ages, the Spanish Inquisition, the Holocaust, or even worse. Here is an example of how one story ends:

A day later the doctors realized the injection had failed. Wu was dragged to a small surgery room with bloody handprints on the wall. In this room doctors cut the fetus to pieces inside her womb and sucked it out with a machine. Before the body parts were tossed in the trash, a nurse held up a tiny bloody foot, complete with all five toes, for Wu to see. Today Wu still suffers extreme mental distress, blaming herself for not being able to protect her baby.

Because the trauma of what she had just suffered wasn’t enough, they had to show her the baby’s bloody foot? Unfortunately, this type of barbarity is a far too common an occurrence in China.

All Girls Allowed has joined with several other organizations and appealed to the United Nations, asking them “to take immediate action to investigate these atrocities against women and children in China, report on its findings and recommend whatever steps are needed to stop the Chinese Government from continuing its barbaric violence against pregnant women, their pre-born children, and their spouses, friends and others, including their attorneys, who try to help them.”

While the idea of an abortion is horrible, the idea of a forced abortion is even worse. Plus, those who dare to speak out about it in China are punished.

Included in this twenty-page request to the United Nations are stories of women who have been forced to have abortions, some at very late stages of their pregnancies. These are the stories that China would prefer to be kept secret. But thanks to organizations like All Girls Allowed, they are being exposed.

The report concludes:

China’s official policy of forced abortion, forced sterilization, confiscatory fines, excessive use of police force and overall violation against women and their children that derives from China’s inhumane One Child Policy needs to be fully investigated and ultimately condemned by the CSW as violative of every human right for which the United Nations ought to stand. The women and children of China are neither safe nor secure so long as this heinous policy is permitted to exist.

It is a twenty-page document, but I would encourage you to read the stories. Most of them involve a child who was murdered and a mother and family who were forced to lose a child before he or she was even born.

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