
Aborted babies found on deceased abortionist’s property to be buried this week

crosses, memorial, unborn, aborted

In late 2019, the remains of 2,411 aborted children were found in both the Illinois home and vehicle of deceased Indiana abortionist Dr. Ulrich Klopfer, whose medical license was suspended in 2015. At last, these preborn children are set to be memorialized at a burial service in South Bend, Indiana, this week.

The memorial service will take place on Wednesday, February 12, at 1:00 p.m. at Southlawn Cemetery, located at 61430 US 31 S., in South Bend. According to an email from Right to Life Michiana, those unable to attend that memorial may attend one at the same site on Sunday, February 23 at 3:00 p.m., hosted by RTL Michiana, RTL Northeast Indiana, and Lake County RTL.

A press release from RTL Michiana states that Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill will be present to “offer remarks on behalf of the State of Indiana.” There will be a press conference following, as well as a prayer service. RTL Michiana’s Melanie Garcia stated in the release that while the organization is grateful for the memorial service, “If it wasn’t for the evil of abortion, these children would be in their late teens. They’d be starting their first years of college. Instead, we’re burying their bodies.” 

READ: Failure to report: Dr. Klopfer and the “rape is not rape” mentality of abortion proponents

RTL Michiana executive director Jackie Appleman added, “This is a tangible reminder of the inhumanity and horror of the abortion industry. Abortion is the ultimate form of dehumanization; it poisons, dismembers, and kills the most innocent among us.” Appleman cut through the rhetoric of the abortion industry, adding, “We are burying 2,411 human remains; we are not burying 2,411 ‘missed periods”, ‘pregnancy tissue’, or ‘uterine contents.'”

The remains were unfortunately unable to be identified, but were found to be approximately two decades old. Live Action News previously noted that Klopfer “was notorious for failing to report underage abortions, failing to report abuse, and not keeping proper health and safety conditions in his abortion facilities.” He also repeatedly violated Indiana’s mandatory waiting period.

For questions about the memorial services, contact Right to Life Michiana at (574) 232-5433.

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