Letter to the editor by Tina Woode.
The horrific videos showing Planned Parenthood’s harvesting and selling of aborted baby parts are shocking to those who value life. The reasoning and justification for this butchering and harvesting is “modern science.” Many would be surprised to know the use of fetal tissue in “science” has been going on since at least the 1960’s, particularly in vaccine development. Children (and adults) have been injected with vaccines that have aborted fetal tissue in them. This should be a great concern to anyone who values life.
Two fetal cell lines being used in current vaccines are WI-38 and MRC-5. WI-38 was developed in July 1962 from lung tissue taken from an aborted fetus of about 3 months gestation. The MRC-5 cell line was developed in September 1966 from lung tissue taken from a 14 week aborted fetus.
The current vaccines containing aborted fetal material, according to the Centers for Disease Control are:
- Adenovirus 4,7: Acute Respiratory (Barr Laboratories) (WI-38 human-diploid fibroblast cell cultures)
- Pentacel: Polio + DTaP + HiB – (Sanofi Pasteur) (MRC-5 human diploid cells)
- Havrix: Hepatitis – A (Glaxo SmithKline) (MRC-5 cellular proteins)
- Vaqta: Hepatitis – A (Merck) (MRC-5 human diploid cells)
- Twinrix: Hepatitis A and B combo (Glaxo) (MRC-5 human diploid cells)
- MMR II: Measles + Mumps + Rubella (Merck) (WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts)
- ProQuad MMRV: Measles + Mumps + Rubella + Chickenpox (Merck) (WI-38 & MRC-5)
- Imovax: Rabies (Sanofi Pasteur) (MRC-5 human diploid cells)
- Varivax: Chickenpox (Merck) (MRC-5 cells including DNA and protein & WI-38 human diploid cell cultures)
- Zostavax: Shingles (Merck) (MRC-5 – cells include DNA & proteins)
Children today can receive up to 49 doses of 14 different vaccines by age 6. If a child is receiving a combination of the above vaccines then he or she is potentially receiving multiple doses of aborted fetal tissue.
There are 271 new vaccines in the production stage. Considering the Planned Parenthood harvesting of baby parts for “science” how many of these future vaccines will contain the tissues/DNA of other children?
Aborted fetal tissue in vaccines is abhorrent because of the killing of life to obtain and use it, but that is just one piece of a much larger problem. We must consider not only the ethics of aborted fetal tissue, but what we are exposing ourselves and our children to in the name of “protection” and in the name of “science”.