Human Rights

Abortion activist: Taxpayers should fund abortions for minorities

Planned Parenthood, pregnancy center, abortion, kangaroo care

Destiny Lopez, co-director of the group All Above All, was interviewed by Janine Jackson for an episode of the radio program CounterSpin in December. In the interview, Lopez describes the reasoning as to why All Above All is working to overturn the Hyde Amendment to allow federal tax dollars to pay for abortion: eugenics.

“[The Hyde Amendment] bans insurance coverage for abortion for women enrolled in Medicaid, and, again, those are brown and Black folks, tend to be younger folks as well,” she explained.

Claiming that the Hyde Amendment, which prevents tax money from paying for abortions, punishes women and that President-elect Donald Trump wants to punish women even further, Lopez says that it is “people of color” and “low-income women” who are the most under attack. However, the truth is that abortion is the real threat to these women and their children. In areas of the country such as New York City, more Black babies are killed through abortion than are born.

Not only are 1,180 black children aborted in NYC for every 1,000 born, but an overwhelming 78 percent of the abortions in New York City are performed on Black and Hispanic babies. Despite the fact that Black people only make up 25.5 percent of the population of NYC and Hispanics 28.6 percent, they account for more than three-fourths of the abortions in the city. In addition, Planned Parenthood has been caught earmarking money specifically for the abortions of Black children:


Abortion of babies of color is high because Planned Parenthood made sure it would be. Founder Margaret Sanger is notorious for her eugenist beliefs and her wish to “exterminate” certain populations, especially the poor, a large portion of whom are people of color. Her vision has come true, and she would be thrilled if the government not only supported the high abortion rate of these children as they do, but willingly paid for it as well.

Lopez says that women on Medicaid who can’t access abortion are more likely to fall below the poverty line. All that proves is that for women who are struggling financially, they often feel that their only choice is abortion. This means they feel they have no choice at all, which makes All Above All’s work more pro-abortion than pro-choice.

Rather than opening the clinic door for these women and sending their children to be slaughtered at Planned Parenthood, Lopez should be working to help lift these women and their children out of poverty like pro-life groups are. Pro-life pregnancy centers not only provide free ultrasounds, but connect women with doctors, help them continue their education, and even provide them with housing, while pro-abortion groups leave women where they are financially but with the added burden of abortion regret. Combine the help from pregnancy centers with the maternity health coverage and child health coverage of Medicaid, and these women may not feel they have to sacrifice their children at all. But pro-abortion groups seem to skip over that.

The truth is that killing children does not solve the socioeconomic problems plaguing the country. Anyone who believes that women of color need more abortions is showing little concern for helping children and their mothers — they’re just promoting killing.

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