
Abortion activists descend upon Catholic churches in Mother’s Day protests

Catholic Church protests

In the aftermath of a draft leak from the Supreme Court, with a majority of justices appearing to be ready to overturn Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case, abortion activists have been busy. Violence against those aligned with the pro-life movement has increased, with protests outside of Supreme Court justices’ homes and pregnancy centers coming under attack. In yet another example of pro-abortion anger, abortion activists organized protests invading and interrupting Mass at Catholic churches across the country this weekend — specifically, on Mother’s Day.

The organized protests seem to have been originally initiated by the Twitter account @RuthSentUs, which tweeted, “Whether you’re a ‘Catholic for Choice,’ ex-Catholic, of other or no faith, recognize that six extremist Catholics set out to overturn Roe. Stand at or in a local Catholic Church Sun May 8. #WarOnWomen #MothersDayStrike”

When one person responded that they would be praying for the Catholic faithful and the clergy, @RuthSentUs responded by threatening to destroy the Blessed Sacrament — which, to Catholic believers, is the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ.

And indeed, abortion activists did what they could to interrupt Masses, harass Catholic parishes, and cause overall disruption at Catholic churches on Mother’s Day. One group dressed as handmaids disrupted a Mother’s Day Mass in Los Angeles at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. According to Catholic News Agency (CNA), though @RuthSentUs didn’t specifically take responsibility for this protest, it is similar to protests they have engineered in the past. In this instance, the protest took place shortly before Holy Communion. The group of women made their way up the altar before parishioners and Cathedral staff intervened together.

One parishioner, Bradford Adkins, told CNA that he worried the protest would start a riot. “I was getting ready for a stampede and I glanced near the exits,” he said, adding that thankfully, people were able to “whisk them away” before the situation got out of hand.

In Manhattan, a group of abortion activists protested outside of the Old St. Patrick’s Cathedral, some of them even partially nude. A supposed performance artist who goes by the name of “Crackhead Barney” wore a bathing suit as she screamed offensive phrases during the protest. “I’m killing the babies!” she shouted as she dangled several baby dolls into the air. “God killed his son, why can’t I?” She then proceeded to dance and spin around, saying she was aborting her babies. “Help me abort my babies!” she shouted, then adding, “My aborted babies are all wet.” She specifically singled out Fr. Fidelis Moscinski, a Franciscan friar, calling him an expletive and telling him to come out and face her.

Another woman posed topless while carrying a pro-abortion sign in front of the church, including where young children could see her. The activists were able to block the front door of the church, and police stopped pro-life parishioners from processing to the next block over to a Planned Parenthood facility to pray, saying they couldn’t ensure their safety.

Another parish was defaced with pro-abortion graffiti for the second time in seven months. Vulgar epithets were spray-painted all over the church, including “F*** You,” “F the Church, F*** the State,” numerous inscriptions of “My Body My Choice,” “You don’t speak 4 God,” and more. A truck in the parish parking lot was also vandalized, and at least one window was shattered.

While it is not known if this was related to the spate of pro-abortion attacks, the tabernacle in St. Bartholomew The Apostle’s Catholic Church in Katy, Texas, was stolen. The pastor, Father Christopher Plant, tweeted, “Our tabernacle was stolen last night. We don’t know who did it but the police are investigating. Please pray for us and for those who committed this criminal sacrilege. If you have any information that can help in the investigation, please call our office: 281-391-4758.”

According to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, there have been at least 129 incidences across 35 states, plus the District of Columbia, of hatred directed towards Catholics. These include “arson, statues beheaded, limbs cut, smashed, and painted, gravestones defaced with swastikas and anti-Catholic language and American flags next to them burned, and other destruction and vandalism.”

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