Pro-life lawmakers in Wyoming have introduced a bill that would outlaw certain abortion drugs, and last week, it was advanced by a legislative committee in a 4-1 vote. According to the Wyoming Tribune Eagle, Senate File 133 “would prohibit the use of several drugs, including mifepristone and misoprostol, that are commonly used for early-stage abortions.” The bill, Senate File 133, would keep women safe from the dangerous abortion pill regimen, and save countless lives — but abortion advocates are fighting back.
Sen. Tim Salazar, who sponsored the bill, told the Caspar Star Tribune that the measure is an issue of safety. “Throughout this country, even in our own state, we have public policy on what we as a society are going to allow within the framework of the right to have an abortion in this country,” he said. “I believe we as a state in Wyoming have a responsibility to also decide not only what we will and will not allow in the procedures of how you have an abortion, but also what procedures are either dangerous or gruesome.” Salazar has reportedly called use of the abortion drugs “cruel and unusual.”
A pro-abortion doctor, however, argued against the bill using stunningly anti-scientific arguments in her testimony. “I think we call all agree fewer desired abortions is a good thing, and unfortunately restrictions on abortion have not been shown to reduce demand,” Dr. Katie Noyes said in her testimony. Yet according to the Caspar Star Tribune, the bill isn’t necessary, because abortion pills are only currently approved for use up to 10 weeks of pregnancy — which, Noyes falsely claimed, is when the preborn child doesn’t have a brain, or the ability to feel pain.
This is completely inaccurate. A preborn child has a brain well before 10 weeks, and brain waves can actually be measured. The preborn child’s heart begins beating just three weeks after fertilization, and measurable brain activity can be detected by week six. Some research has shown that preborn children may feel pain as early as eight weeks, with adult-like nerve systems already in place. It’s also a long-known fact that preborn children respond to touch as early as eight weeks.
READ: First trimester babies aren’t blobs of tissue — they’re amazingly complex
Additionally, more information is coming to light showing how dangerous the abortion pill is. It’s been found to be four times more dangerous than surgical abortions, even as abortion advocates continue to insist that it is safe and that safety protocols on the regimen should be removed. It’s become increasingly clear that this is false. In Wales, for example, there was a 100% increase in ambulance calls due to DIY abortion pills, which were permitted in the United Kingdom last year after the COVID-19 pandemic. In the United States, since the abortion pill was approved, almost 4 million preborn children have been killed by this pill, with at least 24 known maternal deaths, and over 4,000 reports of adverse events, including hemorrhage, abdominal pain, and severe life-threatening infections. Women who have taken the abortion pill also describe it in excruciating terms. One woman, Salome, wrote:
“I felt like my inside was being torn and sliced to pieces. I had blood all over my legs and went in the tub to wash them.
The cramps got so bad I couldn’t even move. I couldn’t even cry. It was worse than anything I’ve ever seen on TV. All the labor and contractions they show were nothing compared to this. I couldn’t get to my phone to dial 911 and go to the emergency room.
… When I turned around, I saw the most heartbreaking thing I’ve ever seen [in] my entire life. I saw my child.
It was at that moment that it finally sunk in properly. I really had been pregnant. I had been carrying the life I created inside of me until that very moment.
… Right after that, I cried and cried for hours. I put my child in a little box and kept saying I was sorry for what I had done.
I was weeping and screaming, but nothing could turn back time.
I felt like a part of me died. I felt angry. I felt guilty. I felt like my world was coming to an end and that I was the most terrible person on this earth. I couldn’t believe what I was looking at. It was the most beautiful thing I ever created, and I destroyed it.”
Yet the abortion industry and its defenders continue to not only promote this dangerous regimen, but agitate for the FDA to remove the Risk Evaluation and Mitigation System (REMS) restrictions on it — essentially allowing women to take the abortion pill at home, alone, with no pre-abortion testing or scans, and without any medical supervision. Banning the abortion pill would save countless lives and prevent needless injury in Wyoming — those of preborn babies, and their mothers. That’s a decision that can be made based not on rhetoric, but on scientific fact.
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