
Abortion advocates at DNC vow ‘no compromises’ and demand abortion without limits

Americans who consider themselves to be “pro-choice” can now stop insisting that no one is “pro-abortion.”

Abortion advocates proved last week that they will stop at nothing to make abortion fully accessible for any reason at any time during pregnancy. They made their demands loud and clear to politicians during pro-abortion protests at the Democratic National Convention (DNC).

According to media reports, beginning on Sunday, August 18, hundreds of protestors marched outside the DNC, many calling for more expansive abortion protection laws — including Kacey Murray, who came from Colorado to Chicago to proclaim her support for a federal law that would declare open season on preborn children. Ironically, she told PBS, “I can’t believe we’re out here again. But I’m out here for my grandchildren.”

Four other women, dressed up as the abortion pill drugs mifepristone and misoprostol, called themselves “Mife and the Miso-tones” — a girl group determined to fight for wide access to the dangerous abortion drugs. They apparently want abortion to be a part of the online shopping experience, which is already turning DIY at-home abortions into a trend in which women can have the deadly drug cocktail delivered their your door even if they aren’t pregnant.

What this “abortion is between a woman and her doctor” crowd wants is for a woman’s actual doctors — including the one who may treat her abortion pill complications in the ER — to never know she took the abortion pillAs in any abusive relationship, there are secrets the victims are told to keep.

Photo: Reddit user brazen 177 (10-week aborted baby by abortion pill)

Another pro-abortion protestor at the DNC was Clara McLane from Abortion Access Front, which calls itself “a coven of hilarious badass feminists who use humor and pop culture to expose the haters fighting against reproductive rights.” McLane didn’t try to minimize or hide what she and her fellow abortion advocates truly want.

She affirmed, “Roe is the floor,” meaning it was only the starting point for pro-abortion advocates.

Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that forced legalized abortion upon every state through the arbitrary age of ‘viability’ (and after viability for certain babies), clearly wasn’t extreme enough for McLane and her pro-abortion cohorts.

Under Roe, abortion was legal throughout pregnancy due to exceptions for late abortions, for reasons such as fetal diagnosis and the health of the mother, which included a woman’s financial and familial health. If Roe is indeed the floor for the pro-abortion mob, what’s the ceiling?

It is unabashedly unrestricted abortion with no protections to shield even the most developed, healthiest, most viable preborn child from abortion.

As reported by The Chicago Tribune, these women and other pro-abortion protestors are demanding that a federal law be enacted to prohibit any safety for preborn children, like gestational limits on abortion. They want abortion expanded — even in the most pro-abortion states in the country. For example, there are 38 in-person abortion facilities in the abortion-friendly state of Illinois, where abortion is legal for any reason until about 26 weeks. (Premature babies can survive as young as 21 weeks.) More than 20 of those facilities are located in Chicago, according to abortionfinder.org, but that’s too few for Elena Gormley, the co-chair of the Chicago Democratic Socialists of America.

“There were not enough abortion clinics in Chicago and Illinois to meet local needs before Dobbs, and there has not been any meaningful expansion of abortion care since then,” said Gormley. “Local abortion funds are stretched too thin due to out-of-state demand … If this is what’s happening in a ‘safe blue state’ — what’s happening everywhere else? What’s happening in Missouri, in Mississippi, in Indiana? We deserve more.”

Imagine believing we need more of this:

Justice for the Five

Baby Harriet was found in a medical waste bin outside a DC abortion facility. Photo courtesy of Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising.

Baby Harriet’s broken body was found in a medical waste bin outside an infamous and protected abortion facility in Washington D.C. She was killed late in pregnancy for unknown reasons. But the people who found her and gave her a name are the ones being vilified — not the people who killed her.

It’s evil to believe that this is what women “deserve more” of. Babies deserve more. What’s happening in states with protections for preborn children is that fewer babies are being intentionally killed in the name of freedom. Every human being deserves respect, dignified treatment, love, compassion, and their right to life.

Those running the pro-abortion rally and protest were clear: they want no compromises. They want Harriet dead. As Abortion Access Front admitted, they even find it funny. It’s ‘all access abortion’ and nothing else.

Scout Bratt, the rally’s emcee and a member of the group Avodah, noted during his speech, “[W]e reject any political compromises on bodily autonomy. Today, we are coming together on the eve of the Democratic National Convention to be sure that they don’t even begin … without knowing our demands (emphasis added).”

Likewise, the group behind the protest, Bodies Outside of Unjust Laws, made a near mirror-image statement on its website, “We reject any political compromises on our bodily autonomy. We won’t settle for ‘reasonable’ limits on abortionThere is no middle ground here … (emphasis added).”

Aside from the fact that literally every person’s bodily autonomy is restricted in some way by societal laws, there is no longer such a thing as being “pro-choice.”

After hearing what these abortion advocates want, expect, and demand out of our next president, Americans must decide: pro-abortion or pro-life. Americans allowed the murders of 1,037,000 innocent preborn children in 2023. But for abortion proponents, that’s still not enough bodies in the trash, the sewer, the dump, or the incinerator.

The only choice left for Americans on the fence about abortion is whether they will blindly continue to support abortion or finally stand up for the right to life of every human being.

Urge Walmart, Costco, Kroger, and other major chains to resist pressure to dispense the abortion pill

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