Yes, the left loves it when we are silent. They want us to stay hidden so that their fear of others hearing the truth is then minimized. They are afraid. They know groups like Silent No More and Operation Outcry are changing hearts. They attempt to counter their impact by… trying to convince the world [abortion] was the right decision and is no big deal….
Truth be told, they are missing the whole point. They are blind, and by their rhetoric are trying to brainwash others, but it is not working. They can have women praising abortion and it still does not diminish the pain and suffering of the millions of women who are living with abortion’s impact….
… [T]his is not a contest to see who can get more people on their side, or shout the loudest or bully the best. It is about the truth. Yes, they want to silence us, because in their hearts they know we are speaking the truth and that countless numbers of women are out there hearing our messages who also know because of their own experiences.
No, we aren’t afraid of you and you will not silence us any longer. We may be ignored by the media, or you may try to make it seem like we are the ones who are crazy, but it will not work anymore. This is about the truth of abortion which kills babies and hurts women, and in case you have not heard, the truth always sets us free.
~ Theresa Bonopartis, Reclaiming Our Children blog, October 25, 2016